
I just got my boerboel 25 jan 13 ..We took him to the vet for his first shots and the vet said that my pup might have a heart murmur i was devasted...we love him so in just under a week and heloves us any help me out with thid

DWard64, some BB pups have heart murmurs at puppyhood that they outgrow.

epignosisjs, who did Solomon come from?

BigBoy is very handsome!!

I'm on the BOD of the American Boerboel Club and my oldest BB turned 9 on Jan 29th. His mama was from Baden and his sire was from Egoli. He was one of the very first BB's to earn working titles in the US.

ARBA CH BIS Steadfast Sebastian BST (Judges Choice Award), BH, TDI, CGC

My female tied for Working Dog of the Year for 2012. She is from Kerri Dale at Centurion.

ARBA CH BIS, BIC Centurion Sitala BST (Judge's Choice Award) RN, CGC .... EBBASA 87%

My BB's work, show and are excellent chicken protectors. Tata is awesome on Personal Protection. Proven in testing and training scenarios and real life.
No he didnt give a grade when he told us. It there a level that should concern us ? He is very happy he plays and runs around all day

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