Bonded (a planetary RP)


Fanci Feathers Marans

Chicken Tender
Jun 26, 2017
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They dump you onto the floor of the spaceship with the others. The kid in front of you groans, rubbing his head. Abducted by aliens. Could your life get any worse? First your Mom leaves you stranded, then that idiot plants a bag of that white powder in your backpack and you get sent to Juvi, only to get abducted by these... things. A bead of sweat forms on your forehead as you glance up at your captor. Its horns are easily as long as your arm, and it's covered in scars.

The kid beside you scrambles to his feet, but you stay down. You swallow hard as you listen to its huge feet pound around the room. You try not to imagine what would happen if it stepped on you.

Then you hear lighter footsteps. The kid beside you gasps. You are too afraid to get up and look as it comes closer. Two more steps, and it's right beside your head. Maybe if they take you for dead, they will leave you be. You close your eyes and try not to breathe. Seconds pass, dragging onto minutes. Your heart quickens; it grumbles at you.

You keep your eyes shut and try not to whimper as it kicks your side. Even as it grabs your shirt, you stay limp. You feel something on your face and can't help but flinch. It peels your eye open. Before you can roll your eye back, you see it.

A girl.

A mechanized mask covers her mouth and ears, but there is no mistaking that she is human, at least mostly. You open your eyes as she releases your shirt. A series of pleased grunts comes through her mask as she crosses her arms. You stare up at her blankly. More grunts. You start to worry.

At last she realizes something and reaches for her mask. "Sorry about that." She says, and your tension fades. She was human after all. She points to the mask, "This is a language device. You'll get one in little bit."

Then your eyes snap to the horned alien as it advances behind her. "Look out!" You say as you scramble to your feet. You pull her behind you. You don't know what you are going to do against this thing, but then the rest of the humans gets up around you. Maybe together you could do something.

The girl's laughter startles you. "What, you think Patches is going to hurt you?" She pulls out of your grasp and moves toward the creature. You blink. "You will make someone a good Bond, though. You haven't even known me for five seconds and.... Well, I guess I have some explaining to do, don't I?"

You glance around at your friends.

She smiled and leaned against the alien's side. It almost looks like a miniature rhino, with a few scales and extra horns. "Rule number one: you are here to protect them."

You shake your head. She's manipulating you. She's a traitor.

"Rule number two," she continues, "when you find your Bond, stick with them. They are your responsibility, no matter how, um... trying they may be." She glanced at the thing she had called 'Patches'. Now that you look, it does have several patches on its hide, the same color as its scales. "Rule number three, never keep a gift from a Feral." She glanced around at us. "Any questions?"

Of course, we didn't respond. What do you say to a girl who refers to an alien by a cute name like Patches? It was probably her pet, just waiting to spring on us at a wave of a hand.

"Oh, come on, come on. Ask! You won't get answers anywhere else." She said.

No one did. You shuffle your feet. Then someone cleared her throat. "...What's a Bond? ...Or a Feral? And why are we here? Who are you?"

"Ah," The girl tipped her chin. "Maybe I should start from the beginning."

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Of the four organizations of aliens that have been able to use humans (we call them Huron, Sirius, Melee, and Feral,) Huron has had the most success with training and imprinting. While Huronians are not the most beautiful beings, they have a slight understanding on what makes us tick. What makes us bond. They are also the only ones with enough advanced technology to capture wild humans.

Huronians, like Patches, appear pretty tough. You might wonder why such beasts would need protection from something like a human. Well, they lack the most basic of survival mechanisms. Patches has gashes three years old that were stitched up, plugged, or Patched. Their flesh does not heal itself. It's even a sign of luxury when one's skin is unscathed. Most are marked with unique Patches, the expensive ones have markings.

The planet has lots of plants, but not like the ones you are used to seeing. You can actually eat most of them
. On this planet, humans are mostly used for Patching, farming, or to capture other humans for export. We are treated well, for the most part. Some even keep us as luxury pets, I think they kind of like our patchless skin. The horns are mostly for looks, and they're pretty easy going, really. Except Patches here, he's pretty ornery.

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Named after the Dog Star, Sirius is one of the largest civilized planets in the universe. Why we humans gave this planet this name is kind of debated. Maybe because they treat their humans like dogs there? No one really knows, but the human meaning of it is kept secret from The Siri. I won't even tell Patches what it means. Don't worry, he can't tell a word I'm saying without the Language device.

Huge cities cover Siri, a thick layer of smog makes up most of the atmosphere. I have heard it smells like dust, but those who breath it don't live to tell the tale. Traditional gas masks aren't enough, and a crystalline filter has to be placed over our faces to keep us alive while we serve our 'masters.' Humans are squished into tight quarters like sardines there. Sometimes they let you out.

On Siri, we are kind of an exhibit rather than a guardian. The Siri want us for nothing more than to boast 'I have an army at home'. Illegal human battles pass under the radar like cockfighting. To the Siri, we are the ugliest beings they have ever seen. They are kind of tall, two-legged things with colored frills on their heads.

Few have Bonded with one of The Siri, but it has happened. Good Siri are out there, and I hear when you get a good one, you really get a good one. A human would gladly lay down their life for one.

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Although humans can be bought and sold, it's not like we are slaves. They kind of found that value actually declines after the first Imprint. The Unimprinted children are the most valuable, going for about 3,000 coin each. The Melee value the Imprint the most. Most of the 'missing children' posters on Earth are due to a Melæian placing an order. They treat them well, though. In some cases better than their parents could have.
They travel to some of the most dangerous planets in the universe in search of... something. No one rightly knows what they are looking for. Even the strongest of Bonds could not get their Melæian counterpart to divulge this secret. "You will know it when you see it," they say. Some say it's fun just looking for whatever it is. Personally, I don't understand it, but that's not important.

What little time you spend on the small planet of Melee, it's plain to see that they are obsessed with travel. All kinds of railway lines and highways crisscross the planet in a frenzy. Burrows are the only safe mode of foot travel. Without a human, that is. Melæns are not the apex predator there. Know why?

Because on that planet, they have dragons.

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Feral natives can resemble humans so closely that they have actually been sold as so. Sometimes it can take years for an alien to tell the difference. True humans have a sort of sixth sense about them, though. You can point out the difference in a moment. I ran into one myself, and it just sent a chill down my spine. It wasn't a big difference, but there something was just... off about him.

Ferals are shape shifters, and the worst kind. They are a planet of pirates, thieves, and deceivers. Few planets have not fallen victim to their crimes. Their biggest export is weaponry, some of the finest. But just try to touch down on this planet without being pickpocketed, or stolen from your Bond by his doppelganger. It's... not uncommon for a human to bond with a Feral, but only the strong are chosen.

Feral is a watery planet, filled with ships, ports, and fishermen. The villages look much like human ones, though again... somewhat off. Maybe all of the pictures are off-level, or the furniture has one cushion too many, I don't know.

Oh, and never open a gift offered in Feral. Accept it- by all means accept it- but dispose of it as soon as the giver is out of sight. It could be anything from a toad to a timebomb.

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You glance around the spaceship, unsure whether you should believe her or not. It's not like you had a choice. Like she said, it's not like you were going to get the answers anywhere else. At last, you raise your hand, "Do we get to chose where we go? I mean, what about going back home?"

There was a hint of something in the girls' face for the first time. Was it longing, or was she admonishing him for asking such a stupid question? She shook her head and moved toward a glass panel in the side of the ship. Behind it are gadgets of various shapes and sizes. You recognize a few, like the language device, a shield, and something that resembled a lightsaber.

"If only." She said; or did she? It was so soft that you doubt anyone else heard it. She opens the panel and grabs a few masks. "You go to whoever order you," she held a mask out for you to take. "But as far as going home, you may not want to."

She hands out mask after mask, perhaps unsure of how to answer the question. You start to wonder if she is manipulating you. Why wouldn't you want to go home? Because your life sucks down there. You think. Besides, what's better than being an alien's personal superhero?

"You can go back to Earth, but you will be neuralized-"

"You mean flashy-thinged?" Someone blurts out, pointing to a short, metallic rod on the wall of gadgets. "Like the Men in Black movies?"

She blinks at him. "flashy-thinged?"

"Yeah, it makes you forget stuff."

She shrugged, "Same idea. But once you've been 'flashy-thinged,' you may return to Earth, but you can never come back here."

One kid stepped forward. "Then do that. Take us back!"

She flashed a smile. "Jumping to conclusions, aren't we? Here." She tossed him the nuralizer. He scrambled to catch it, falling to one knee. "Sorry, I'm not a good throw. By the way, what's waiting for you at home?"

The boy scowled as he got to his feet, dusting his knee off, "Plenty." He grumbled.

"Any family? Friends? Great achievements?"

His silence said it all. Then you realize. They had chosen the misfits. The underdogs. The unwanteds, if that were a word. You glance down at your mask, then at the wall of gadgets. You could make a new life for yourself here. A new name. At last, the boy tossed the neuralizer back.

"Good." Said the girl, "Let's get you suited up."

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Human Character Sheet
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.:

Alien Character Sheet

Char page:
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Name: River Smith
Gender: female
Age: 18
Personality: Brave Cold mean secretive sarcastic can be kind nice
Appearance: Long brunet hair light skin there is a long scar on her face going from her forehead over her eye to her chin blue eyes
History: HIDDEN she does not tell anyone but very very close friends
Planet: was earth but now Melee
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: she has two metal wings though unless she is flying they stay close to her back, A long gun, and a sword that can use electric and can shoot people with it
Other: hidden
Username: @RiverStorm
Human Character Sheet
Name: Erin
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Personality: bubbly, talkative, but takes her responsibility to Patches very seriously.

History: Abducted at 4 years old, found wandering the streets after escaping the orphanage. Patches had to save her from a gang before taking her in.
Planet: Huron, daily travels to Earth to help Patches capture new humans.
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Nuralizer, Language Device, Shank (for emergencies), Bottle of Healing capsules
Other: N/A

Alien Character Sheet
Species: Huronian
Name: Patches
Gender: Male
Age: 200
Personality: Gentle giant. Has the most experience Bonding humans to aliens.
Appearance: Five horns, one broken. Greenish scales, about 300lbs.
History: Didn't think he needed a human until Erin came along. Formerly a weapons distributor on Feral.
Planet: Huron, with daily trips to Earth
Rank: Lead human catcher
Other: Has numerous patches, one with Erin's name in Huronian etched into it. One with a sun, one with a blade.
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Species: Melee
Name: Ezor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Mysterious; strong; quiet; has a hard time trusting others; can be rude at times; sometimes jokes around; Doesn't prefer interacting with others, but he tries to talk to them so that he can determine if he can trust them.
(Is his appearance alright?)
History: It's a mystery
Planet: Melee
Rank: Helps capture humans for other planets. Also transports humans from one planet to another.
Other: Nobody knows his true appearance
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