Bonded (a planetary RP) char. page

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Yes, there are characters on here that have wandered off or just plain died. I have no way to highlight these folks, so I will list them here. If you have a dead people that is not on this list, or if I listed someone incorrectly, let me know.

Fred (Captain)
Leonard McCoy


Name: Amélie Vannier
Gender: female
Age: 19
Personality: Flirty and flamboyant, clever, confident, and maybe a little full of herself

History: Amélie was the daughter of a wealthy Frenchman and his American wife. With plenty of money and free reign, she basically lived from party to party.
At 17, she was sent to a private school, her parents hoping it would put an end to her spending and drinking and that she would put her intelligence to something useful.
When they died in a break-in turned wrong, she dropped out, sold their house and properties, and has lived in various apartments ever since. She never stays long in the same apartment, the fate of her parents ever present in her mind.
Planet: Earth, for now
Gear: A small handgun, one of the few things of her father's that she kept
Other: Has an obvious French accent; English is her first language, but she knows a bit of French as well
Username: Silkiecuddles

Name: Seeker Smith
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: split, but harmless. Introvert and extrovert. Believes herself to be a superhero called Star.
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History: mother died of cancer, father died in a gang fight.
Planet: Earth (for now)
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: stone necklace was dropped by an alien during an abduction. Gives her power of flight.
Other: Sister to River Smith

Name: Nahsi (Meaning "Governor")
Gender: male
Age: 19
Personality: evil ruthless mean
Appearance: tall brown hair light skin
History: unknown
Planet: earth
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: phaser gun
Other: was one of the kids who left the group

Name: Donella Rayne
Gender: female
Age: 20
Personality: Shy, kind, helpful, nieve, curious
Appearance: raven black hair, light tan skin tone and blue eyes in a soft heart shaped face, 5ft, 4in tall, slim build but with muscle tone.
History: Donella and her twin sister Lara grew up with their mother after their father vanished before they were born. Their life was pretty much uneventful until their mother got sick and died over the course of a year. Fortunately the girls were old enough to stay together and live on their own by that time. Both are runners and have trained for marathons to help with cancer research as well as studying to be scientists.
Planet: Earth
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: glock 19 handgun for self protection
Other: they heard the crash of the spaceship and are coming to investigate.

Name: Lara Rayne
Gender: female
Age: 20
Personality: kind, loyal, quiet
Appearance: raven black hair, light tan skin tone and blue eyes in a soft heart shaped face, 5ft, 4in tall, slim build but with muscle tone.
History: same as Donella's
Planet: Earth
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Glock 19 handgun for personal protection

Name: Jaxson (Goes by Jax to his friends)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Friendly, outgoing, likes to help people. He is easy to get along with, smart, doesn't seem very complex on the surface but once you get to know him you realize he has many different sides and talents.
Appearance: Has brown hair, a deep rich brown with undertones of red, and dark brown almost black eyes. Dresses very casual, t-shirt and shorts or jeans.

History: He was the only child from a single parent, his dad. His dad was not a great person and didn't treat Jaxson very well. When his dad died Jaxson was 10 and sent to live with the only remaining relative an aunt who was no better then his dad and could care less about her nephew. He ran away at 17 and lived on the streets, delivering newspapers for money until he was captured a year later, and that is how he wound up on the ship. His Aunt never reported him missing and honestly is glad he is gone.
Planet: Earth now, once he goes with the group who knows!
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: None for now, he will gain some as he learns and grows. He is a fairly well trained in hand to hand combat due to his rough upbringing and time on his own. He can hold his own in a fight pretty well. He will eventually get a shotgun style weapon that shoots multiple target seeking plasma rounds.
Other: He is open for a bond and I will find ways for him to pick up weapons and such as he goes along

Name: Aster

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Personality: Proud, spirited, impertinent, deceitful, guarded, and strong-willed.

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History: Aster doesn't speak of her past, and anyone who inquires of it becomes a victim of her unharnessed anger.

Planet: Feral

Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Aster has been known to use anything within her reach as a weapon.

Other: After Aster was captured she was almost instantly sold in an auction to a wealthy man who was greedy to own her beauty as his own. She was added to the man's 'collection' of female humans who were regularly shown to the man's friends as prizes. Unafraid of the consequences, Aster spoke out against her treatment and fought everything that she was forced to do; unlike the other woman who quietly endured their cruel treatment. The man found Aster's strong will etertaining, at first, and rare, but after a year he became tired of her behavior and sent her to be auctioned off. Aster was sold to a man living in Feral who wasn't frightened by her previous master's warnings of her difficult behavior and how she needed a master who was young and energetic to rule over her. Her new master hopes that adventures at sea, and his fierce domination over Aster will ensure her loyalty to him, but only time will tell.
@Run Wild

Human Character Sheet
Name: Ryan
Gender: male
Age: 16
Personality: cheeky, rotten, likes to be first

History: recently captured and escaped. Caused the ship to crash-land on Earth, inadvertently killing Erin's Bond: Patches the Huronian.
Planet: Earth
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: one too-big phaser rifle, and a few miscellaneous items scrounged after the crash
Other: when looking closely, one might see something... off about him.

Name: River Smith (Does not say her middle name)
Gender: female
Age: 18
Personality: Brave, loyal, kind, butt-head, sarcastic, snappy, not one to sit and watch, can be cold and mean
Appearance: She has a jagged scar going from the right side of her forehead over her left eye down to her chin on the left side, cold ice blue eyes, light skin, she is 6 feet high, long brunette hair, grey T-shirt, black shorts, she is 18 years old, she has a long blue double-edged sword, a large phaser gun strapped on her, grey mettle wings, She has a oval shaped face, a strong jaw line, she has high set cheek bones.

History: HIDDEN but this is it :River had a mostly normal life before the age 4 then her mother died of cancer she also had a sister seeker that at the time was 1 then after that she got really more attached to her sister seeker and father then again had a mostly normal time until her B day turning 12 at one part of the day her sister who was 9 wanted to go do something outside normal enough but River said no she and her father did not know but her sister went anyway and got lost later when River and father found out she was gone went looking for her they found her alright in an ally but soon a gang showed up killed River and seekers father scared River then decided to leave River be other than to scar her and Seeker ran the gang left and River hurt and now her self lost found her self now homeless and family less joined a homeless group but always made fun of and bossed around left them too even more bitter and cold lived on the streets after that now hates and blames her sister seeker
Planet: was earth but now the new ship (Melee)
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: she has two metal wings though unless she is flying they stay close to her back, A long gun, and a double-edged sword that can use electric and can shoot people and things with it.
Other: Hidden.
Parents: dead
Sister: Seeker Smith
Aunt: Living
Username: @RiverStorm

Name: Lily Kyran Wolf
Gender: female
Age: 10
Personality: Smart,Kind, nice, happy, though mess with her friends or her you`ll regret it
Appearance: shoulder length brown hair light skin, dark brown eyes
History: she was an orphan nothing much other than that
Planet: for now earth
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: none for now
Other: none

Personality:Soft-spoken, nervous, smart. She is easily hurt, and struggles to keep going day to day, seeing little motivation often.

History:Atalanta was an orphan, living in the orphanage until she was seventeen. At the orphanage she was taken advantage of, hurt, both verbally and physically, and became much more susceptible to being hurt. She was left quiet, soft-spoken, and nervous. She left at age seventeen and stayed with a group of friends. They began working and lived together, finally seeing a start to a good life before their house burned down, with no insurance. Atalanta was left homeless, and ran for the woods. She mysteriously was never seen again.
Planet:Going to be shipped as a slave. Not sure where yet.
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.:None, she is a slave and has no weapons or devices.

Human Character Sheet
Name: Leonard McCoy though his nickname that he will be called by in the future is Bones
Gender: male
Age: 23
Personality: kind nice brave sarcastic butt-head
Appearance: black hair, light skin,brown eyes
History: normal for now......
Planet: earth for now..........
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: none for now........
Other: He is a Doctor
@River Storm

Human Character Sheet
Name: Erin
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Personality: bubbly, talkative, but takes her responsibility to Patches very seriously.

History: Abducted at 4 years old, found wandering the streets after escaping the orphanage. Patches had to save her from a gang before taking her in.
Planet: Huron, daily travels to Earth to help Patches capture new humans.
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Nuralizer, Language Device, Shank (for emergencies), Bottle of Healing capsules
Other: N/A

Name: Solana
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Can be guarded and cautious at first. But is friendly and outgoing around people she knows and likes. Mildy sarcastic and enjoys cracking jokes with her friends. Very loyal to those she cares for.
Appearance: 5'9 and athletic in build, more muscle then fat on her from working on a farm. She has dark tan skin, with thick, wavy black hair that reaches just past her shoulders. She has grey colored eyes surrounded in thick dark eyelashes. She dresses casual, often cargo style pants with a belt and thigh holster for her weapons and then layered shirts(tank top, then usually an off the shoulder long sleeve shirt).
History: She was an orphan from earth and therefor easy pickings for the aliens in the human trading business. She was auctioned off at a young age to a wealthy alien on Sirius. There she shut down due to the care she received. She closed off herself in every way until she was traded for newer stock, from here she went to Huron and lived on a farm. With time and better treatment she started to come out of her shell more, but she still takes time to learn to trust others. Due to this she has never bonded with anyone. How she got from the farm to the ship is unknown. Little else is known about her as she doesn't talk much about her past.
Planet: From earth, then Sirius, then Huron.
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Has a bull whip type weapon that can shock/taze people on contact. Also has a smallish pistol that shoots plasma like rounds.
Other: Not a marksman by any means but still a decent shot, she is fast and nimble but not very strong. She is however strong enough in her arms to do some serious damage with her whip. She is not a fighter by nature but has adapted to be proficient when she needs to fight.


Name: Kaaras
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Personality: Can come across as gruff but is actual a very caring person. Loyal, protective and caring to those close to him. Fierce when in battle.
Appearance: Has two sets of horns, one set twists/rotates back on either side of his head near his ears, the other set curls down from just below the first set around his ears. He has dual colored eyes, being primarily silver with green surrounding the iris. Has dark black scales with a strange dark green hue undertones. Has several patches, many fit well with his scales.
History: Grew up on a farm on his home planet, he then set out to travel and got sucked into a human smuggling group. Where as most smuggling groups were for unsavory purposes, this group smuggled slaves or poor treated humans out of their poor conditions and tried to place them in better situations. After a stint with this group he decided to go into a trade that was just as rewarding but less likely to have him end up dead. He took up navigational work with several groups that ran rescue missions for stranded ships, and if he happens to come across some humans who need help while he is at it then he just can't help himself. He currently helps out on Narti and Worf ship.
Planet: Huron originally.
Rank: Navigator, fighter, smuggler, gives good hugs, sorta.
Other: Has many weapons that he uses, however he has a metal face plate that he likes to wear and uses himself as a battering ram.

Alien Character Sheet
Species: Huronian
Name: Patches
Gender: Male
Age: 200
Personality: Gentle giant. Has the most experience Bonding humans to aliens.
Appearance: Five horns, one broken. Greenish scales, about 300lbs.
History: Didn't think he needed a human until Erin came along. Formerly a weapons distributor on Feral.
Planet: Huron, with daily trips to Earth
Rank: Lead human catcher
Other: Has numerous patches, one with Erin's name in Huronian etched into it. One with a sun, one with a blade.


Species: Feral
Name: Acxa
Gender: Female
Age: 90 years old
Personality: Decieving, tactical, and can pretty much change her personality as needed.
Appearance: Her normal form is a female that looks to be 19 with black, curly, ear length hair and green eyes. White stripe in her hair. She wears a leather jacket, plain black T-shirt, and black jeans.
But, she much prefers being in a Melee form... (Black helmet and suit with attached hood. Half a mask- covers from her forehead to her nose in a V-shape, and the rest of her face is exposed.) During her time on the Melee planet, that was the first form she learned to take and she now uses it very often to trick others into trusting her.
She can also shapeshift into a verreaux eagle and European badger.

History: As a young Feral, she was mistaken for a human and sold as a slave to a Melee. As many years passed, she finally discovered her ability to shapeshift and used that to escape. After mastering shapeshifting, she went back to her former owner and killed him. Over time, she turned into the perfect assassin and looter. But maybe one day she can realize there is more than killing and looting, maybe...
Planet: Anywhere, really.
Rank: Assassin and looter?
Other: Favorite weapons are plasma rifles.

Species: Feral
Name: Adele Wokan
Gender: female
Age: Looks to be around 24
Personality: Independent, cautious, reserved, intelligent and cunning
Appearance: Usual form pictured; is able to shift into any creature that she has gained enough knowledge about

History: Hidden
Planet: Feral
Rank: Assassin/spy for hire; price varies depending on her mood and wants
Other: Has the names of her victims tattooed down her left arm and spine, but they're in code; you wouldn't know what they meant unless you asked (hint: don't ask, otherwise your name may be added); carries several small guns and daggers on her at all times, and has many other weapons at her flat
Username: Silkiecuddles

Species: Feral
Name:Skyler (the rare friend gets to call her Skye)
Gender: Female
Age: 75
Personality: one word, complex, will be played out so you never know what is coming from her. ;)
Appearance: Her hair is naturally silver, white even though she is not old. Her eyes are actually gold. She dresses in whatever works best for the job she is doing. This photo with the details provided gives you an idea.

History: She was trained young to fight, many different styles with many different weapons. She was raised by her father until he died when she was in her young twenties. From there she went to work with his old employers, mostly she was a gun or knife for hire, or protection when needed. She also smuggled various goods including people when needed. As she got older she became less happy with her life and decided she could do better free lancing. So she set out on her own, she still does many of the same jobs. Currently see has found herself aboard a ship that does rescue missions. She does work on the ship, but she also uses this as a cover sometimes. Goes where ever the work is.
Planet: Grew up on Feral, but now travels the stars where ever the work takes her.
Rank: Assassin, hired gun/knife, body guard, fighter, smuggler. Whenever you need something done, especially if its violent or involves tracking and killing she is your girl!
Other: She has many different Knives for various jobs, she loves anything sharp and pointy. She also has a custom sniper rifle that breaks down into different pieces for ease of carrying. She also has various other weapons to be revealed(you never know how many she may have hidden on her person. )
As a shapeshifter she knows many shapes, but her favorites other then her natural form are a large tiger, A snowy owl, and a mink photos of these shapes:

Alien Character Sheet
Species: Feral
Name: Fred (goes by 'Captain')
Gender: Male
Age: 568
Personality: Gruff, Uncaring

History: Has owned seven humans, all dead. Only one from natural causes.
Planet: Feral
Rank: Retiree from assistant General Human trainer. Currently fishes the deep seas in search of a rebel Feral called Jack, who took the form of an alien fish and hides in the waters.
Other: second form is seagull

Species: Feral
Name: Odo (No Surprise there XD)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Personality: Kind, brave, wold do anything for friends, can be cold and mean, Sarcastic, Secretive, A little of a loner
Appearance: He is a shapshifter he can have any but he usually looks like this Light shin almost white amber eyes brownish gold hair
History: he and no one knows he was found by Melees and he now stays with them
Planet: Feral but he does not remember that now Melee
Rank: I guess warrior
Other: He has the weirdest smile
Username: @RiverStorm

Species: Feral
Name: Crow
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: To be revealed...
Appearance: He can be a human, crow, or golden eagle.
History: Unknown
Planet: Earth (for the moment)
Rank: Umm?
Other: Crow currently works on the rescue ship.


Name: Dorian
Gender: Male
Age: 85
Personality: Can be mysterious, but is generally open minded and good natured. Slow to trust, but loyal once he does. He can sometimes be short tempered, although he recognizes this and often tries to make up for it. Spent most of his life alone except for in recent years his pet so as such he can sometimes be...eccentric.
Appearance: This is what I had mind let me know if its ok,

History: He grew up on a crago ship that transported minning supplies and goods between worlds and stations. He has no parents that he knows of, spent most of his life working. Other then this he says nothing about his life or his past. He needs someone to trust before he spills his secrets.
Planet: Never one planet for more then a year, although his ship crashed on Earth two years ago and he has been stranded since. Hiding out in no mans land hoping someone would eventually come.
Rank: Drifter
Other: I am going to be working on an idea for what he looks like under the armor and any and all are welcome to help! Also he has a pet dragon named Nemra, she can make herself as small as a house cat, and as large as her natural self which is the size of an elephant. She has the basic appearance of a silver dragon from D&D.

Species: Melee
Name: Ezor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Mysterious; strong; quiet; has a hard time trusting others; can be rude at times; sometimes jokes around; Doesn't prefer interacting with others, but he tries to talk to them so that he can determine if he can trust them.
(Is his appearance alright?)
History: It's a mystery
Planet: Melee
Rank: Helps capture humans for other planets. Also transports humans from one planet to another.
Other: Nobody knows his true appearance
@CP Chicken


Species: Siri
Name: Warf
Gender: male
Age: 23
Personality: brave, hurt someone he loves and you`ll regret it, snappy, over protective of his sister, Can though rare be gentle,
Appearance: looks like his sister Narti but can see
History: normal
Planet: Sirius
Rank: Elite fighter, also rescue missions to extraterrestrials in need of help.
Other: Good Siri. Has a wolf named Faolan. Does not have a "Human amy" thinks it is cruel and stupid

Species: Sirius
Name: Narti
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Friendly; energetic; jokes around way too much; loves hand in hand combat and taking down the enemy probably more than she should; can be boastful at times; probably annoying.
Appearance: (The frills are underneath her hood. One on either side of her head and one ontop of her head.)

History: Nothing special
Planet: Sirius
Rank: Elite fighter, and a security officer.
Other: Born without eyes, though her other senses are excellent. She is one of the few good Siri.

Alien Character Sheet
Species: Siri
Name: humans call her Linda. (Linda, Linda, listen. Linda. Linda! Listen, Linda.)
Gender: something similar to a female
Age: 80 Earth revolutions... er, years. (Brain is like, twenty something.
Personality: She says that she's never afraid, and really doesn't like to wait. Not really into hesitation. Really into humans, like, she literally had human trading cards as a youngling. Speaks German and French pretty good, but has trouble with the dialect in English.

History: Her parents hoped that it was just a phase, but she never grew out of the 'human rights' vibe. Eventually her pressures to release their 40 some humans lead to a one-way ticket to cadet school.
She. Loved it. Where better to learn about the creatures? She was like a galactic Hermione- studying overtime, abusing her library pass, and acing every class. She graduated first in her class and majored in Human psychology.
Planet: Anywhere but Siri. Bleh.
Rank: junior human specialist
Other: actually wears human clothes... when she can find ones that fit. We're like, seven foot three over here. Never stocks human rations that she wouldn't consider eating herself. Which she does. Often.
@Fanci Feathers Marans


Species: Gallus gallus alienicus/Alien Chicken
Name: Roo
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Personality: A generic chicken that mindlessly pecks at everything.

Machine Gun Turrets under wings
History: An Alien injected an egg with alien DNA and hatched it.
Planet: Floats in space wherever it wants
Other: Lays bright red eggs

Species: Chicken
Name: Frosty
Gender: Rooster
Age: 1 year
Personality: Energetic, talkative (yes, he can talk), easily excited, likes to joke around
Appearance: Small black and white bantam roo (old english game bantam mix).
History: Frosty was abducted by aliens and was used as a test subject. The tests made him capable of human intelligence and made him able to talk. He then escaped and has been flying a spaceship around ever since (yes, he can also fly spaceships).
Planet: He has briefly landed on Earth to restock his food.
Rank: Umm.....
Other: He hates Roo for unknown reasons.


Name: Sybil
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Personality:Difficult but loyal to those she pledges herself to, or who she deems worthy. Can be sarcastic and sometimes hurtful. She deep down is not a bad person just has a hard time being kind to people.
Appearance: She is short and unassuming if you don't notice her mechanical parts. She has brown honey colored skin, her hair is a deep mahogany brown, half her head is shaved the rest is in dreadlocks. She has one deep brown, almost black eye, the other is a mechanical blue eye. Her right arm is mechanical and is exposed metal, both her legs have been replaced with mechanical legs, although they are cover in a synthetic skin. Her spine has been reinforced to make it stronger, allowing her to carry heavier loads and protect her from being paralyzed. She has a few other modifications that people will find out about as we go.
History: She was purchased as a baby by a Siri who wanted to use her for personal protection. Many sneered at him for purchasing such a young and useless creature but he had a plan in mind and the younger the better. He started running test on her from a young age to see what made her tick. Then once she was a bit older he started making "modifications" as he saw fit to make her more useful. He was constantly improving upon his "modifications" and making "adjustments" to make her more lethal. He had her trained from a young age in combat of various forms. He also made sure as he raised her that she would listen only to him. As she got older and started to question her terrible treatment he told her that if she ever acted out against him he would shut her down, which she feared given how much of her was now mechanical. However when he finally pushed her to far she murdered him, using all the "modifications" that he had given her against him. To her delight he hadn't been able to shut her down and she was now free. She fled the planet and made it to a station where she lived for the next two years.
Planet: Siri first later a space station
Gear, weapons, devices, ect.: Most of her body is a weapon, but she has some other goodies to be revealed.
Other: Because of her many mechanical parts she has become very good with tinkering with things.
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Fanci Feathers Marans
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Fanci Feathers Marans
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