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  • Organic treatment for red mite and feather lice infestation
    5.00 star(s)
    Very good instructions how to use DE. I use it too for 9 years now. Never had SLM or feather lice. And only had an red mite infestation once...
    • BDutch
  • Raising Roosters to be Family-Friendly
    4.00 star(s)
    I appreciated the fresh perspective on cuddling them -and that we are so much bigger than them. I absolutely love roosters. Their boldness and...
    • RcoM
  • Chicken Coop
    5.00 star(s)
    Looks like you've thought of everything!!
    • Gwindollyn
  • Welcome To My Life
    5.00 star(s)
    Very nice. The picture is no longer loading for some reason. I don't know if it's just me or for everyone.
    • Hamudazahabi
  • Cream Legbars - from chick to adult
    5.00 star(s)
    thank you for a wonderful 'through the weeks' post! I loved seeing how they changed week to week. Hopefully your little roo is doing well.
    • CrystalMosko

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