Latest comments

  • Smores Cup Noodles
    • MamaPoult
  • Smores Cup Noodles
    This is HILARIOUS, Gear. And excellent writing. I've read it like 5 times and still can't stop laughing 🤣
    • BackroadGirl57
  • Fried Dandelions
    Great article! I’m happy to see this recipe as I remember making them at nature camp when I was younger, but didn’t remember how! I’ll have to try
    • Ecarroll
  • Fried Dandelions
    The French eat the roots but I’ve never seen the flowers used. It always makes me laugh that the roots are sold among potatoes and carrots when I...
    • Loving my girls
  • Turmeric Tea delight.
    I'll try it as soon as I can get tea bags!
    • BackroadGirl57

Latest reviews

  • Smores Cup Noodles
    5.00 star(s)
    Second time I’ve read this and still giggling like a silly giggling thing 😂
    • Loving my girls
  • Turmeric Tea delight.
    5.00 star(s)
    Sounds delish. Is there a certain brand of turmeric tea that you recommend?
    • Crazy Maizie
  • Turmeric Tea delight.
    5.00 star(s)
    I love this! I will have to try it some day! and I also love how you use the Auzre market stuff! :love
    • CCsGarden
  • Smores Cup Noodles
    5.00 star(s)
    As someone who despises ramen, I really want to try this. I don’t know why but I must.
    • Logar
  • Smores Cup Noodles
    5.00 star(s)
    Excellent writing. As an amateur screenwriter, I do appreciate a good story. I also came across something funny in the supermarket once: a bottle...
    • Chicken_tiger_catt


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