Latest comments

  • Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator
    Thank you! I've now had my 2nd successful hatch with it, and I will say that the reptile thermostat has been a life saver! I went out and bought...
    • MandyMusshafen
  • Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator
    I have everything to make one except lights and window panes and hope to order them this week (if I can find what I need online!) I'm using...
    • McChooky
  • MiniBator
    I don't think so, I never made modifications to this build as I was a bit overly focused on my cabinet incubator. Why incubate two eggs when you...
    • BantyChooks
  • MiniBator
    Didn't I see an update to this recently some place @BantyChooks ?
    • azurbanclucker
  • Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator
    It's working out great!
    • MandyMusshafen

Latest reviews

  • Post-Hatching Season Clean Up
    2.00 star(s)
    This is good advice on what to do at the end of the season to keep your incubators in good order. I would suggest adding some pictures, and...
    • Anonymous
  • Storage-Box chick brooder
    2.00 star(s)
    Larger pictures and more details would improve this article.
    • casportpony
  • The "Styrobator"
    3.00 star(s)
    A list of the materials used and details explaining/showing how to build it would improve this article.
    • casportpony
  • Musical Incubator
    4.00 star(s)
    Would love an update to this article to know how it has worked out and if there have been modifications made.
    • Anonymous
  • Use heat tape!
    3.00 star(s)
    First I'd change the title so folks who were going to make a DYI Incubator could search and find it better. Second, there's no materials list nor...
    • Debbie292d

Incubators & Brooders

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