How I made a Mama Heating Pad Plate

Thank you for a well illustrated MHP set up.
Well described and great idea, definitely will draw inspiration from this.
I like this idea. The store-ones are flimsy (the legs) and expensive.
Great article!
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Reactions: BrandonsBirbs
that says alot for one that isn't supposed to touch tools, thank you for a great idea to help the baby chicks stay warm while getting them on a more natural sleep pattern
This is an options along with commercial brooder plates.
Very good example of how to build a ridiculously expensive priced piece of equipment yourself for a fraction of what it would cost at the store.
Nice step by step guidance, supported by good pictures.
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Reactions: FlappyFeathers
A good way of repurposing a couple of things to make a warm spot for the chicks! Good photos illustrating how it was done.
Neat and Easy - and I just happen to have everything I need already on hand ... even the chicks!
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