Both feet are injured on my Orpington

What type of bedding or surface has he been walking on? Has it been muddy or damp in the coop and run? Is it rocky or rough? If you could take the bandages off in the am and get pictures, that would be helpful. Otherwise, we have not idea what it might be.
Hi, I’ve just added photos. Surface isn’t too bad and I’ve 3 others that are with him and have no issues
The feet have abrasions which lead to bumblefoot. I asked what type of bedding or soil he had been on before—what might have lead to this. Rough roost boards or posts, rocky ground and muddy or damp, soiled bedding is what leads to bumblefoot. I have always use pine shavings in my coop and sand in my run. Doing a daily warm Epsom salts soak to the feet would help to heal those feet and toes. Some people apply a paste of Betadine and sugar to the footpads and apply a dressing for 2-3 days, then repeat. Some use Prid drawing salve in the same way. Here is a video on applying the bumblefoot dressing:
The toes look affected as well, so they need to be worked on as well, to get them healing.
They have paper shavings as bedding, they are indoors and dry, except when they free range on the farm. Would bumble foot be all over the foot? I looked up bumble foot and i thought it was 1 black dot and then it was like a plug with infection underneath it??
Footpad dermatitis can be on the footpads and toe pads. Is that dirt on the toe pads? That can happen when bedding is damp and full of droppings, or when standing in med. Poop can be very irritating to skin. Feel of your roosts to see if they are smooth or rough. Some put carpet or towels on roosts if they are rough. I have rocky soil, and my hens used to get some bumble foot due to that.
Yeah that’s a bit of clay of his toes. I seen the video you attached thank you. If il treating it like bumblefoot, my best approach would just be new bandages every 2-3 days and an Epsom bath??
That would be a good treatment with the sugar and Betadine, or the Prid. There are many ways to treat bumblefoot, and this is not that bad yet.
Sorry I’m asking so many questions. Just want to get it right. After the Epsom bath, I put sugar and Betadine on the feet and bandage?

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