Bourbon Turkeys in CO

Yeah, I know they are not the right birds in the right place at the right time for you. LOL

The auburns seem just a tad larger frame than the bourbon reds, and much more docile and tractable, temperament wise. I know, I only have a few of each variety, so there is not a hard and fast rule, just my observation of my two groups. I'm sure you will find the right deal for you, close to home.
Hi, Sorry to jump in. But was just scanning some of the posts in the turkey section. I came across your post and wanted to ask if you were serious about parting with some of your turkeys? I lost my sweet Gertie Thursday from an attack (think it was coon). She was a bourbon red. I am not able to find any hen bourbon reds. Tom (my tom bourbon red) seems lost without her. I think he needs another friend/mate.

I live in eastern Missouri (about an hour north of St. Louis). I did not know if adult turkeys ship well and if you would consider parting with one of your hens and would ship.

BTW: I am not asking for one for free. If you would be willing to part with a hen, I would pay and also pay for shipping. I hope I did not give the wrong impression and sound as if I were asking to be given one.
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Here's a beauty! WOOT!!! Poor thing is moulting like crazy, has a bunch of tom wear on her back, and is still trying to lay eggs! Here she is stretching, fluffing up her feathers, looks like the hunchback of notre dame. Someone just gave her to me the other day. If you wanted her you could have her for free. She just hatched last summer, 09.

Ahhh, poor baby. We are getting cooler here in Missouri. Only in the low 60's today and will be in mid 70's during the day time from now on and like 40's at night (of course temps will drop as winter gets closer) . Would she be ok in that kind of cooler weather? Would her missing feathers come in, in time for winter?

If you could give me a shipping amount and let me know if she would do ok in our temps and if her feathers would come in by winter time, I would love to give her a home. Looks like she needs some love.
I got that for her.
It has been really hot here, and she is pretty bald. I don't know how she would do with a sudden change to near freezing temps at night. She is in pretty rough shape feathers wise, but she has good body condition, not skinny or anything. I think she might do with a dusting of poultry dust. I got a little bit if the creepy crawly feeling when I went to pick them up. I haven't looked close, just figured they had a touch of the common type of mites. Might be too hard of a change for her, in the shape she is in. Anyone here with experience shipping roughed up turkeys from hot to cold climates want to share experiences?
Poor thing. If she has been where it is warm, I wouldn't want to chance the temperature change killing her. Wish it was still summer. I would love to have given her a home. Good luck with her and hope she gets feathers and such ok and is all healthy and doing good before long.

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