Boy! I must have been wide awake this morning

My DH works nights, 2 PM to midnight or 5 PM to 3 AM, depending on what day it is. When he gets home we eat supper, watch some TV or talk and usually get to bed between 3 or 4 AM.
I'm not really fully awake until well after noon.

Yuk, been there and done that.

I worked 2nd shift for a couple of years straight, it wasn't bad if you can come right home and go to bed. But it was Monday in bed at midnight, Tues 1am, Wed 2am by the time friday rolled around I was up all night.

I thought I would end up in jail sooner or later either from the phone, people knocking on the door, neighbors cutting grass every other day if it needed it or not. lol

Steve in NC
I feel for you. I worked 10pm to 6am, came home put the kids on the bus for school and went to bed by 8am. I'd get up at 3pm. But nearly every day of the week someone would call my house between 10 and noon for no good reason. Once my BOSS called at noon to see if I would pick up a sift a week from then and all I could think to say was that I'd get back with her at three in the morning to let her know.
I would absolutely love to be able to do that. Unfortunately my DH is the shift supervisor and has to be available by phone at all times. That means even if we are 50 miles away from home and he suddenly remembers he forgot his cell phone - which he does quite frequently - we have to turn around and go back for it. We have big signs on both the front and back doors that say "got your phone??" They don't help!

On the other hand, I secretly adore some of the responses he gives his officers when they call with dumb questions at 5 in the morning.

Edited cuz I'm still not awake yet.
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I would absolutely love to be able to do that. Unfortunately my DH is the shift supervisor and has to be available by phone at all times. That means even if we are 50 miles away from home and he suddenly remembers he forgot his cell phone - which he does quite frequently - we have to turn around and go back for it. We have big signs on both the front and back doors that say "got your phone??" They don't help!

On the other hand, I secretly adore some of the responses he gives his officers when they call with dumb questions at 5 in the morning.

Edited cuz I'm still not awake yet.

Hugs........... tonight I must try and get to bed early to catch up.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sooooo tired! but bet your bottom dollar something will keep me awake (((SIGH)))))
Sleeping in? What? Whats that?!
I wasnt even allowed to sleep in on my summer days when I was in school. My dad thought it would be the GREATEST idea to burn Reveille onto a cd and BLAST it in the mornings on the surround sound, then go outside to have his coffee till one of us turned it off.


I love it. Are you sure your dad isn't me or my little brother? I do something just like that to my daughters

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