Boys or Girls?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 13, 2011
Ok, these babies were hatched on August 25th. I know I could be patient and find out soon enough on my own but I thought it would be fun to see if any of you experts have an opinion on what we have. No one is crowing or laying yet, although our rooster has started mounting at least one of these...

I see one gold laced wyandotte pullet and 2 buff orpington pullets along with your delaware rooster.
So no roosters? Besides the obvious guy in the background..:p One of those red ones has some serious tufts (beard?) on it's cheeks like one of my old EE's had. And the other one has a black rump (neither of these traits can be seen very well in my pictures I guess). I do know that the broody hen who hatched these was a buff but the rest of the birds are sort of a barnyard mix. My layer looks just like that Wyandotte - so pretty!
So no roosters? Besides the obvious guy in the background..:p One of those red ones has some serious tufts (beard?) on it's cheeks like one of my old EE's had. And the other one has a black rump (neither of these traits can be seen very well in my pictures I guess). I do know that the broody hen who hatched these was a buff but the rest of the birds are sort of a barnyard mix. My layer looks just like that Wyandotte - so pretty!

Wow, 3 for 3 pullets? Lucky you! I wish I had your luck in hatching.
Well, these came from my parents, they kept two more...but so far they all look like this. I'll be shocked if they are all hens in the end! But yes, I would say this is some beginner's luck for sure.

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