Brahma Thread

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Hi Matt -

It's a bummer to have incubator problems, but congratulations to Kermit for doing his job! Better luck next time!
they are adorable
About the three thermometers...

I don't use any, I don't check humidity either.

I had a styrofoam hovabator and the temp was always changing, so was the humidity I messed with that darn thing so much. I always got a less than 30% hatch rate no matter what I did.

Bought myself a Brinsea Eco 20. Never checked anything in it. Get 100% nearly every time. If the eggs are fertile they hatch... Even shipped. Half the time I even forget to add water until the chicks are hatching. Best investment ever!

The more hatches I had the more I noticed I didn't toggle with everything as much. I don't worry, I don't even remember when they are due to hatch sometimes. It's awesome waking up to chicks that you weren't anxiously waiting for. It seems like more of a surprise. Maybe it's just me. Don't get me wrong, I love candeling and looking at my little eggies. But I don't constantly open the bator like I used to.

My babies hatch just fine... probably better without me fretting and messing with them every 5 minutes. lol

Moral of the story is... buy the best incubator you can.
Hi - would all the folks here going to Crossroads please take this poll I've set up? If there's enough interest, BYC might host a meet & greet for us at a hotel after the show where we'd actually be able to find - and hear - each other. Thank you, and please tell others you know who are going.

PS - Kinder, I just got an Eco 20 two days ago. I've never hatched before, so I hope mine works out as well as yours!
I had Fox trouble. Those jokers took my first BIG Dark Roo that I got from Carole @ Fowl Visions - He was a nice boy! I was home from work ill, went out late to let the chickens out to range about 9:45am - went back in, ate breakfast and in that small amount of time he took him in broad daylight. Now my guys range while I am out there and only in our backyard. My first Dark Roo was taken by a Coyote and I had a Tuffed Buff Gander killed by a Bobcat. Critters and Chickens don't mix.
I<3maura :

Thank you all for your replies. I'm happy that his comb is correct. The breeder assured me that the hen would be able to produce correct combs but I would assume that chance would lessen if she were bred to a roo with an incorrect comb. I'm am only planning to breed to add a couple to our flock and provide some birds for local 4-H kids but want them to be as nice as possible. My daughters may show at our county fair and maybe an open show or two.

I understand the comment re: bantam vs. LF. To me the bantams look like art! They are beautiful birds and while I did not plan on them, I do have a pair of Bantam Buffs that were headed to the auction when I picked up my Partridge. Love them to death although the hen has gone broody, sitting on 9 eggs, and looks terrible. When she does venture out her roo protects her from the other chickens who have been pecking her head. Not sure if I should try to break her up or not. She is my absolute favorite chicken. I do keep food and water in front of her in her nest.

My Buff LF are at a friend's house and just laid their first egg today. At this point we are guessing they are all hens. We thought we were buying them from a breeder but it turns out the lady buys hatchery birds and then sells them. I can see a difference in quality between them and my Partridge hen. Maybe the right roo could produce some better birds.

Anyway, thanks again and here are a couple more pics of the Partridge. I have yet to get a photo of the roo that does him justice - he is really growing into a handsome man.

OMGSH!!! That rooster is just breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need one!!!​
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