Brahma Thread

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OH OH, My Buff laced and Gold Laced are laying. Theseare from Dan Powell. I put the first eggs in the bator last week so in a few days I should know if they are fertile. Wish me luck! Yippie!
Got 5 partridge/blue partridge Brahma eggs just this last weekend, very excited for them! They're in the bator now and due to hatch shortly after the beginning of March.
New to the whole chicken world, but had to jump in this thread
We plan on getting some Brahmas!! We have a lot to learn, build, ect ect... but have been told these are very friendly and hardy chickens. I am not sure anywhere local {Stevens County Wa} sell these? We are looking to get about 6 of them for eggs. Love looking at all of your guys photos. Wish me luck!
Maybe you could PM RedRoosterFarm? They are in Eatonville WA.
ETA - @ RedRoosterFarm you have beautiful Brahmas and good luck with them! You will let us know when you might have eggs available right?!
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im still only working on reading page 41 of this thread
but i thought id skip ahead and post a pic or two of my brahmas (i only just joined this site)

how do i upload images??
John Ryan look towards the top of the page and click on Uploads. Select your file to be loaded. Once it is loaded, copy the whole line next to image and paste that in your next post. The picture will appear in the post. Just keep doing that for each picture you want to post.
I<3maura :

I lost my Bantam Buff Brahma roo last night. We have no idea what happened to him - found him very quiet yesterday afternoon and by dinner time he was hiding. We set him up in a hutch by himself but he didn't make it through the night. We did a thorough exam on him but found no injury or any other sign of illness. He was perfect on Monday. We loved this guy and since he was the Ruler Supreme there is a bit of chaos down at the barn.

Which brings me to . . . . I am looking for some good quality LF Partridge Brahma hens/pullets. With the loss of the bantam, I think I will stick to the LF to make life easier. I have a Partridge Roo that I really like but only one hen. They were hatched last summer. I am in Maryland. If anyone can give me some leads to hens/pullets or hatching eggs, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I just lost my little buff Brahma girl Molly last week. She was only 4 months old going on 5 months. She was fine the night before and the morning she died she was fine but then she was just laying in the coop floor on her right side. She was such a sweet and pretty girl. the sad thing is that I have no clue what happened to her.​
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