Brahma Thread

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Nice Brahmas everyone!
They are my favorite large breed although I do have them in Bantam size also. The friendliest and the best layers in my flock
Hello, I'm relatively new to BYC.

I've mostly only had mutt farmyard chickens, but after a fox took my previous five hens the only chicks I could find locally on Craigslist were some LF Buff Brahmas. I got five straight run chicks, at first my husband and a friend told me they were sure they were four cocks and one pullet. Once two of the "cocks" started fighting I gave them to an acquaintance that has more hens to keep the fellas happy until they become soup. As my remaining three grew it became obvious they were actually one cock and two pullets. I never did find out if the two I gave away were indeed cocks.

I would appreciate it if knowledgable folks would please critique my Brahmas. I don't intend to show the birds, but I will probably get more Brahmas in the future since I like these birds. It's easier for me to understand what people are talking about if I'm more familiar with the birds.

They are around 6-months old.

The trio of Brahmas with my BCM (emphasis on Black):



Grubby, the smaller of the two pullets. I think she is the nicer of the two despite her missing tail feathers (I think the guineas were picking on her):

Asha, the rooster (remember, we thought he was going to be a she)

I couldn't get any photos of the birds from the top today.
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i have sq light brahmas. i am in middle tenn. i would post pics but i have no idea how to get them on a post. i did however get my roo on my avatar. l.o.l.
Excellent head, especially for a cockerel. I would hold on to him and use him in the breeding pen. I like his color too. This bird and the cockerel you had @ Shawnee are both very nice. Just a thought Clare. You might put one of these K's on one of your better light pullets. That could produce some excellent Buff pullets to show next Fall. If you used the F-1s for breeding you would have to cull some males. Some people do use some straw colored f-1 males for breeding IF they have excellent type. I "think"(stress THINK) they throw 50% buff and 50% light no matter if bred to a light or buff female. Someone please correct me if thats wrong. Anyway, I love the cockerel! He looks amazingly like my cock-bird you saw.

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Glad you think so, it was the first thing that I noticed when I saw your boy. I would be interested in what color Buff the resultiing females from the Buff male to Light female cross would show. If it would be washed out or not?
I have not done it. Greg and Chad have done it to improve lights and buffs. The female offspring are supposed to be good buff color. The cockerels are supposed to be a straw color the way I understand it.
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