Brahma's crown not developing at all


6 Years
Aug 30, 2014
I have one female and one male Brahma both 10 months old. The male Brahma has a fully developed crown whereas the female as no crown at all. why is this? i know its winter so she wont be laying much if at all but surely her crown should be growing/developing anyway. or is this normal for their breed?
Some breeds tend to be very slow and very late developers, and not show gender signs for a long time and only very mildly when they do, but by now you should most certainly be seeing something. Can you post a pic?

Just today I've seen some Wyandottes (german ones) and for their particular strains of that breed, absolutely no crest is normal for most of their juvenile period, bar a small bump on some. It's astonishing. It's just smooth or mildly wrinkled skin. The comb apparently develops out of absolutely nothing around puberty. :/

I have never even seen a newly hatched chick with so little development, this is a complete absence of development... OK, I will stop trying to explain it and get you a sample. It's bizarre.

And from this normal combs develop! I'm thinking maybe your hen is the same?

Best wishes.
X2 on chooks4life. Some hens never develop very large combs, especially if they have pea combs or rose combs.
Do you have a picture of her? And are you familiar with mature hens with pea combs, how the comb looks? Pea combs are much smaller than pretty much any other type of comb, have you compared her to images online?

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