Brand new chick family...can you tell us what breeds we have?

egg mama

In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
Hi BYC members! I've been reading & printing everything I can. GREAT INFO here for the beginner...I thank you all!

A little background...
My hubby & I are in the process of building our 8x20 coop & a run...he's already pre-built the nesting boxes & trusses for the coop. We have to wait for frost laws to come off the country roads so we can get cement poured for our he's keeping busy pre-building as much as possible.

I ordered 12 chicks from Nature's Hatchery back in Feb (tent. ship date May 10th) & 16 chicks from MPC (same ship date). I ordered a variety of breeds wanting a colorful & cold hardy flock.

Today my son brought home 2 chicks they hatched in Science class. We thought our other chicks would be here by now but...seems like it will be a good thing to "learn" the ins & outs with 2 birds & not 28.

Here are the babies. They were born yesterday in class.




Could you please let us know what kind of chicks we have? Thank you. Also, could you type the breed name out...I'm not up on all the breeds & their abbreviations.

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The black one looks to be a barred rock. The yellow one is a little tougher because several chicks start out yellow. Possibilities include Buff Rock, White Rock, Buff Orpington, White Leghorn. There are others.

The yellow one looks like a Buff Orpington, but it would depend on the egg color. She looks like my Buffies when they were little. Her eye lid is exactly the same. Im not sure if that is for all chicks or just some though..... And if her egg was a good sized brown egg, then you probably have a Buff Orp.
I agree, I think the little black one looks like it could be a barred rock...I have 23 of my own, now almost 4 weeks old..the only difference in yours vs mine is that mine all had lighter legs at first, more like yellow, and started getting darker at about 2 weeks. Oh, the pic on my profile is one of my girls, at 1 week old..that might help??

Doesnt matter what they are, like all chicks, they are adorable
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