brand new to chickens still experimenting with feeding

maryann momhen

5 Years
Jun 24, 2014
new jersey
I have 2 12 wk barred rock far I'm feeding them starter feed corn peas carrots lima beans (tiny mixed veggies from freezer) corn on the cob cucumbers random greens backyard weeds mixing yogurt with their starter feed and occasionally scrambled eggs with the egg shells mashed in them...I have a clean dish for their starter feed and in addition I throw all the rest on either papeer plates or the there anythingmajor or essential or fabulous that I'm missing ...????
At first I was afraid about keeping their food clean ...if you've read in my posts part of their cage is a bunny cage with a top door that I can reach into and a side door that's push up against their cage opening that id use to be able to reach in and give them fresh food and remove the old stuff...after all I read on here never give them anytthing spoiled....which I was like duh...
But then I read about composting and just throwing their food into their cage and letting them pick at whatever they want...and partially cause I don't want to attract rodents althoughchipminks and the like come and go from their cage and food dish at I experimented this morning with throwing some cucs and corn and lettuce and a leftover hunk of apple in their big cage....which will just rot I have to clean that out??
If you are worried about food going bad and other critters finding it before the chickens clean it up, watch how much they eat and then limit the extras to that amount. Your two hens will only eat around a half a pound of food a day, total. If you leave them out just an hour before sunset for the first time they should not wander far enough to get lost and will return to the coop to roost for the night. Each evening there after you can increase the time and they will learn their surroundings. Putting a compost pile in the area they will roam will give them something to investigate while they are out and will let you keep the rotting food out of their coop.
Nice....Thank you den in penn...awesome answer.....that is so helpful........also...I was thinking id follow them around...make sure there are no exits to the wood or the road....I don't think they'll bolt out of the yard....although I can't be sure...I mean they could fly over the 6 foot fence? ..just for kicks...spread their feathers
I just don't get it.....they've been picking at some 2 day old corn cob that literally has nothing lefy...and I put out 2 fresh ears and they left it for the old one....unless theydont like it cole from the fridge and need it to warm up a bit
To feed my biddies, i made a food toob.

I took a 2 foot long piece of 3" PVC, put a 3"to 2" adapter on it, and attached a 45 degree joint and a 90 degree elbow to it.
I use a test cap to cover the top and drilled a hold near the top to hang it by a nail. It holds about 3 quarts of feed.

I put a tote lid under it to catch anything they knock out so it doesnt foul the bedding. The lid is sitting on 2 bricks with a 1'x2' paver under it for support.
Im sure you dont need the 3" to 2" adapter, but i had the 2" PVC already and it was cheaper than buying the 3" bends.

You can see Keebler checking out what i am doing in her coop.
Wow that's cool...the dish I have is sort of like that...pour in thru the top and a little of the food rests in a dish at the bottom..I only put a little in at a time like twice a day ...or I find they scratch it out all over the dirt... thank you for your input...and man your coop looks like fort knox there...mines not nearly as secure..but were outside alot in the summer...we've gotta build them a real coop before winter ..I love the idea of the lid under the food spout...I'm definitely doing that!!!
Thank you
Mary ann
My coop is a 4x10 area under my deck which has lattice, chicken wire, and the plastic blinds. The food toob is secured to the side of a 4x3x4.5 inner shelter where they can go in the winter if it gets too cold.
I was standing in the doorway when i took the pic. To my right is an open area with a waterer that i made with some PVC, chicken nipples, and a food grade 5 gallon bucket. There are 2, 4.5' perches about 4.5 feet from the ground that are 2 feet apart from each other.
All the wood is painted with Rustoleum Restore 10x, which is made for driveways, decks, and and pool patios.
They also have free access to an 8.5x6.5x4.5 covered run.
Im using the deep litter method with flake pine shavings.
I have a small string of Xmas lights so they can see at night and a cheap clock radio i got from Good Will that plays NPR classical music for them.

I was looking for security, stealth, low maintenance, and comfort for the birds.
All 12 of my girls seem happy.

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