
Sep 30, 2023
Hey guys. So basically I have an Easter egger Roy who is extremely attached to a rooster we have. We have to get rid of the rooster as we are not allowed to have a rooster. Initially we thought the rooster was a hen because It didn’t crow on time and acted very hen like. They acted this way Until we gave the other rooster in the run away.

So it was only her and this other rooster but now that we can’t keep him and have given him away she is crying. I put her near some other hens we have as she will be going to live with them after they all get adjusted. But is there anything else I can do? Her heart is broken and it’s breaking mine.

I did not want to break the bond but. I cannot have the rooster. I have tried everything to be sneaky about keeping the rooster for my hens sake but he is breaking ordinances and getting us into trouble.

Please help. I really want her to be happy.
Chickens usually get over the confusion of a missing flock mate, but if she was extremely close to the rooster it is possible that she will become depressed and die from heartbreak. I don't want to cause you further stress, but it's good to be warned in case it does happen.
Chickens usually get over the confusion of a missing flock mate, but if she was extremely close to the rooster it is possible that she will become depressed and die from heartbreak. I don't want to cause you further stress, but it's good to be warned in case it does happen.
This was my fear. No one would even take them as a pair. They have just been together forever.

Thanks for your honesty

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