Breathing weird! Impacted/sour crop???


Sep 4, 2020
My favorite hen (Henrietta aka Hen) started to get a bald spot over her crop a week or 2 ago, noticed it was very enlarged it felt normal but large, put extra grit in the coop it seemed to go almost back to normal checked her 3 days ago and it was even larger massaged it some and it felt almost like a bunch of grass/weeds were stuck so continued to massage as I massaged it felt as if it had went down a decent amount and she was starting to get irritated so let her be. The next day it was smaller but still very large. Just checked on everyone and she moved some and afterwards she started breathing weird (a crackling sound) she moved again it stopped moved again and it was even worse so grabbed her felt her crop and while moving it her breathing kept changing from better to worse to better to really bad then back to bad. I separated her from the others and from food and planned to check her again in the morning to better tell if it's impacted or sour but her breathing has me extremely concerned!! I did take a video so you can hear the breathing noise. Please help
Do you have a picture? What time of the day are you checking the crop? It should normally feel empty and flat first thing in the morning before she eats or drinks, and then all chickens should have a full slightly firm crop in the evening after eating and drinking all day. What are you feeding them? If you press on a full crop, or if she is having a crop problem where it is not emptying well, she might gurgle or have crackles if her food is coming back up in her throat. Here is a good article about various crop problems:

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