Breed and gender confirmation please!


Apr 5, 2016
Moulton, AL
We have Gold, Peck, & Nugget who will be 6 weeks on Monday. Was told they were all pullets, but thinking one may be a roo. This is our first experience with raising backyard chickens. Guessing Gold is a Buff Orpington, Peck (black/white) is a Barred Rock, & I have no clue what Nugget (black & copper/brown) is. Nugget started out being all black & then just last week the coppery color feathering started showing.


I know these aren't great photos, but any help would be appreciated!
I'm not saying you don't have true Amseraucanas but did you check if the match APA standerds? A lot of people sell chicks/chickens as Amseraucanas while they are really Easter Eggers.
Nugget might be an Americana, and at that age you can't really tell unless there is crowing or if a professional checks. Oh and Gold is definitely a buff Orpington and peck is a barred rock.
The black and white one is a Dominique. The brown and blonde one is a Golden Laced Wyandotte. Im not sure about the other one.
I don't think its a Dominique, it has a straight comb not a cushion comb. AndI don't think the other one is a Wyandotte either, wrong comb type as well and it should have more lacing by now.

I would say you have a buff orp, barred rock, and a black sex link.
Not a black sex link. I had one and it looked nothing like that. Looks a lot more like an ameracauna I had.
Not a black sex link. I had one and it looked nothing like that. Looks a lot more like an ameracauna I had.
Easter Egger ameracaunas come in a million colours and I have had 3 sex links and they looked different, two looking like this one. Sex links are mixed breeds made for laying and so they're colours are Not Pure, this is almost a poster bird to the ones we sell at the feedstore.
Gold looks like a Buff Orpington, Peck looks like a Barred Rock (not a Dominique because it has a straight comb not a rosecomb), Nugget looks like a Black sex-link. They all look like pullets.
@Fuzzyrules if your "ameraucana" looked like Nugget then it isn't a Ameraucana, because Ameraucanas NEED to have muffed cheeks and pea combs. Also I don't think they come in that color.
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