Breed and gender help?


Apr 26, 2015
Northern California
I have two new 4 wk old chicks sold as orphington and americauna. My main concerns are...... is this a real "americauna or just a nother easter egger? I dint mind if it just would like to know! Also is the "americauna" roo or hen? I asked the breeder she said she is indeed a she because she has petite feet? And sits lower to the ground? I dont know much about finding the genders of chicks so hopefully some one can help me out that has more experience



Those don't look like a buff Orpington or an Ameraucana. It doesn't look like either of them have a pea comb, muffs or beards. The brown one is a cockerel for sure. That comb is already pink. Partridge Orpingtons are currently a project color for some breeders, but they aren't common. White Orpingtons are available, but not that common. Did you get these from a breeder that shows birds, or was it someone with a flock of chickens who was trying to sell extra chicks?
Its a farm that sells fertilzed and non fertilized eggs as well as sells chickens of all ages from 3 weeks to several yrs old. The woman i met with was " certain" this a BO and americauna! So if they are neither what do you think the breeds are?
They are probably barnyard mixes. Buff Orpingtons are buff at hatch. They feather in buff, not white like that one is in the wings. I doubt either of them have Ameraucana in them. The pea combs and muffs of the Ameraucana are dominant, that's why Easter Eggers so often look like them.
Brahmas have pea combs like an Ameraucana or Easter Egger. They also have feathered legs and feet. A Light Brahma chick is pale yellow with a bit of black or grey on the back of the head and extending down their back. If either of your chicks has feathered legs, one of their parents was probably a Brahma.



hoping someone will see these updated pics and give me an idea on a breed... i know practically nothing about breeds, but could this be a Plymouth rock or a deleware?? i dont know any ideas?

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