

5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
I need input on my two new chickens! Can anyone help me on the breed, gender, & approx. age of these guys? Thanks for all help -

After looking at the pics again I'm fairly certain that she's a she, regardless of how old she actually is. A rooster would be more colorful and also have a bigger comb.

Try checking the pointy pin bones, located on either side and just below the vent. If you can fit 2-3 fingers between them she's definitely a pullet that's very close to laying!
Pictures from the side would help - at first blush my guess is EEs - cockerel (red) and pullet (dark bird) likely under 20 weeks.
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Both look like Easter Eggers to me. The mostly red bird looks like a cockerel, and the other is a female. I'd also guess that these are under five months old.
Both are Easter Eggers. The one on the left is a rooster, and the other one is a pullet. I agree with Wyandottes7 and BantamLover55 that they are probably a little less than five months old.

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