Breed help!

It's a very silly practice of these organizations to call a breed of chicken another name when it doesn't meet very specific and strict standards. It's like mixing brown and white Leghorns and calling them shinflutes

Purity-spiraling elitist nonsense
What is your definition of an Easter Egger, then, if you don't agree with mine?
There are a lot of different explanations for what an Easter Egger is, and the one I stated was the explanation that I have seen most commonly around BackYard Chickens.
But I spend a fair bit of time on backyardchickens too, and I most commonly see variations of this: "Does she lay blue or green eggs? Then she's an Easter Egger." That goes equally for ones that look like a Cream Legbar (no Ameraucana in the mix) as well as the ones that look like Ameraucana wanna-bes, and the newer ones that look like Red Sexlinks, and the random backyard mixes that also lay colored eggs. They all get called Easter Eggers.

Besides, if you don't call them all Easter Eggers, whatever WOULD you call a chicken who is not a pure breed and lays blue or green eggs?

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