Breed suggestions


11 Years
May 16, 2013
I live in south Arkansas - our summers are hot and humid, winter lows occasionally dip below freezing at night, usually not for more than a couple nights in a row. I plan on having a coup with a run but also allow free ranging. I like friendlier birds, and enjoy a variety of looks and colors. I don't particularly care about egg color.
I had a mixed flock of EE and Black Sex Link hens in the past. My BSL were much harder to wrangler than the EE.
I like friendlier birds, and enjoy a variety of looks and colors. I don't particularly care about egg color.

Since you're not particularly set on a given look or egg color, why not buy the discounted "hatchery choice" assortment?

Get more than you really want then sell any birds who aren't friendly enough to suit you as POL pullets on Craigslist.

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