breeding age for Turkeys.

That makes sense. But there are parts of the U.S.A. that don't have distinctive seasons. I would think that their reproductive age is around 6-7 months like the Agricultural Husbrandry site said, unless you live in an area, like us in Canada, that has cold winters.
Do you plan to hatch the eggs.
Yes we are going to hatch the eggs so far we have 2 eggs. The hens keep laying the eggs in front of the door of the coop to instead of the nesting boxes haha oh well. I also live in Pennsylvania so we have decently cold winters here.
If you want to grow your flock quickly you might be interested in my new method.
Since I only have one laying hen I was keeping the eggs for two weeks in cold storage. At 65% hatch rate, I was only having limited success.

For optimum hatchability you shouldn't keep them longer than seven days. I started my new method because I don't like all the empty spaces in my egg turner so I was filling them with chicken eggs. Now I am over run with chickens, but I still don't want to operate a Bator for just a few eggs.

My New Method:

I have two Bators.
My turkey hen lays about five eggs per week. At the end of seven days I put the eggs in the Bator #1.
The next week I add two chicken eggs because they teach the turkeys to eat. This fills up one row on my egg turner.

I repeat this every seven days making sure to mark each new batch (row) with a different symbol.

On day 25, I move the first row of eggs to Bator #2 for lock down. They are hatched and Bator #2 is cleaned before the next row is ready for lockdown.

I just started this so I don't know how well it will work. I will let you know in 25 days, lol.
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Has anyone had there spring turkeys start laying that fall? I have a hen sitting on eggs in a nest she made in the woods. I am not sure the Tom is even old enough to have known what he's supposed to do? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Since everything I have read was they nest 1st spring after birth?
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Has anyone had there spring turkeys start laying that fall? I have a hen sitting on eggs in a nest she made in the woods. I am not sure the Tom is even old enough to have known what he's supposed to do? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Since everything I have read was they nest 1st spring after birth?
Hah, I just started a thread with the same issue. Yesterday I found two turkey eggs in two different places. I have 4 hens and 2 toms who just turned 25 weeks old, hatched April 7th. I've never had turkey eggs before because so far, my turkeys have all been butchered before Thanksgiving.
My Turkey hens start laying in the spring and stop in the fall but I am north of the 49th parallel. It may make a difference where you live because I believe it has to do with the hours of sunshine you get.

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