Breeding Call Ducks

I loved watching the new feathers grow in. Seeing the new colours and predicting what they will look like. I think that is why I like the snowys. They have such interesting patterns and I had no idea what they would look like when they were little. I had no knowledge or experience in the area.I have no intentions of making money off of them either. I will only be selling the offspring because I know I can't keep them all
. I would give them away for free if I knew they were going to a good place.
Same for me… I don't want to sell any of them but I can't keep them my husband would kill me LOL
Do you know how snowy calls are bred? How do you get them it's out of a gray and a white? I'm still trying to figure it out
sorry to jump in especially as I know this is an old thread but I was just wondering what colour the two little yellow duckling became? they are all so cute
Hi there,

This is my Lelo, would you call her a snowy? Her mom was a grey and white but suddenly went mallard after her last moult, all the other ducklings look very mallard now, except for this lil girl. I think the momma duck must have mallard in her.
I picked up the momma and 4 ducklings at an auction last november. Its amazing how much the momma has changed since I got her. I think they bred her to a call hoping she was a purebred and then when they saw the babies they shipped her off to auction. Im hoping little Lelo will give me some cute babies!

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