Breeding Parakeets ( Incubation )


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Beverly Hills, CA
So If you have read my last Topic about the not so egg bound parakeet, you will know that I had a near panic attack just at the possibility that she might be egg bound. It ended up just being and egg I guess. So for the past 2 nights she has spent the nights in the nest box; something she didnt do before. So does that mean she's incubating ?? How long do parakeets spend out of the nest while incubating ?? She was out of it this mornings for what to me seemed like FOREVER, and I started freaking out. Im not home half the day so i dont know if she is in the box or not during that time. But when im home and sneak to peak at the cage shes in some times and out sometimes. I havent descided if I think shes in more that out. So, what so you think about her incubation ??
She has more than likely laid an egg. However the actual incubating may not even start until after the 2nd egg is laid. My parakeets have been working the nestbox for a while now. I'm hoping for eggs soon also. Hopefully yours will have eggs soon. Don't fret about it. If it's going to happen it's going to happen.
I've raised a lot of Parakeets in my life.

Mine usually don't sit until 3 -5 eggs have been laid. The males share sitting time, so the hen will leave the nest box.

I have always used one or two drops of cod liver oil added to the food to help eggs pass easier and in 40 years never had an egg bound hen.
My female comes out of the nest box every couple hours for a few minutes. She'll come to the nestbox hole and the male will feed her. I've spent the whole time panicking and worrying that something will go wrong...hopefully Sunday the first egg will hatch. She started incubating after the 2 egg, but spent a lot of time in the box after she laid the first egg.

Last night she laid her 8th egg...I'm going to have lots of little parakeets.

Have you checked to see how many eggs she's laid? She probably will lay an egg every other day, if she's going to lay more than one.
Not all the eggs will hatch or if they do they might not live I breed parakeets and the most crusal time is when they hatch then when they weaned the time in-between is fine. Well for me it is. I've never had a egg bound hen either it usually takes 18 to 24 days after payed to hatch and when they do they squeak.
Heeeeeeeeey . .. Im back . .

So on Friday, I Definitely heard noises from the nest box, I called for back up and was confirmed that the noise was from the nestbox, a QUITE cheep. And the male went IN the nest box, He never has gone in before

on Saturday . . ..I heard no noises ( I wasn't home most of the day)

Today (sunday) I heard no noises again . . ..
. . .did they die? The male went in again but came out kinda quick.
Is the box inside the cage or hanging on the outside? Can you look in it without moving it?

PS..those 8 eggs I mentioned? 7 have hatched so far.

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