Breeding pen/Drake pad


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2022
West Michigan
This is our summer grow out pen while we build the permanent Rivenduck for our girls and future drake. Sadly it is not themed due to time constraints and the focus on functionality, but it was and continues to be a great source of inspiration. Theory put to practice is a great way to get feedback on design and features. So constructive criticism is welcome and very much appreciated. 😀

Since this batch is very shy we designed the pen to reduce interaction in confined spaces. The outside fill feeder is in progress and we realized early on the the other valves for cleaning the pool need to be relocated outside the pen for ease of use, especially if one forgets to switch between the different hoses.

The metal base is from a chicken run kit on Amazon. We put our own wire on it since the kit wire was only going to keep the ducks in or out, not the predators. Currently this is in our dog's yard, which is an added level of security, but we will need to finish our layer of hardware cloth (we ran out). The wood frame will need different tires since the weight is too much to turn and it drags. Good news is that it is leveling our yard, lol.

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