Breeding Project Spring 2014

All my chickens were hatched this spring, except my Jersey Giant, she's a year older than my other hens and my roosters.
My roosters are each half Wayndotte (my older one is half white leghorn, but he shows Gold-laced Wayndotte coloring and no aggression so far). I don't remember what the other one is mixed with.
My hens are these: 4 gold Comets, 3 white Leghorns, the black Jersey Giant, and a white Bantam Cochin Frizzle.
The Jersey went broody this year, so I fully expect her to go broody next spring. Does anyone know how many eggs I can put under her???
Being a Cochin, I expect my frizzle to go broody; being a banty and a frizzle, I plan to sell her offspring. I need some advice on her and hatching too; I'm leaning toward letting her hatch however many of her own eggs she wants (at least for her first brood); any advice/experience would be greatly appreciated!!!
I assume that none of my Leghorns will go broody. If any of my comets go broody, I can make accommodations for up to four broods.

Again, any advice or experience with any of this would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

PS: I wish I could work with some heritage breeds as well. For now, I'm just getting started, so I'm trying to nail down the basics. Maybe one day I'll have the opportunity.... daydreaming. ^_^
I wish I could tell you. But I'm a newbie 2. well sorta we started 3 yrs ago. and we got our first broody this summer
I wish I could tell you. But I'm a newbie 2. well sorta we started 3 yrs ago. and we got our first broody this summer

Thanks. :)

I'm looking to double my layers (I have 10 plus a banty, but she's more of a pet). Anyway, I have NO idea about how many eggs that means I should look to try to hatch next year. KWIM?
I know the hatch ratio of males to females comes out to roughly 50/50. But this ratio is taken as an average over large hatches. In a small hatch you could see the 50/50 ratio, all boys, all girls, or anywhere in between! Also you have to consider that they are not all likely to make it to hatch. So I would figure the number of new hens you'd like to add and get at least 2 or three times that many eggs for hatching. Just be prepared for what to do with any extras that you cannot (or don't want to) keep. That's just my $.02 and what I plan to do for expanding my flock soon.

I greatly appreciate your $.02; thank you! =)

I figure that any chickens who doing give me breakfast have to become dinner.
Except for the banty; she's a frizzle, so I'll sell her offspring once they're old enough.

Again, thank you very much!!! =o)
Thank you he is a Phoenix, when a vet came to our farm he told us he was really rare. We love him and he's a good watch dog.

He sits on top of the block between the stalls. And make sure no one tampering with his girls
Lacey you alright

Fine thank you
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Thank you he is a Phoenix, when a vet came to our farm he told us he was really rare. We love him and he's a good watch dog.

He sits on top of the block between the stalls. And make sure no one tampering with his girls
Lacey you alright

Fine thank you

I like the conversation!!!

My rooster is protective of the ladies as well, but his name is Eddie LACY (that was funny too). Anyway, we let them free range (first time out of the new hen house after a week) and he roosted with my brood hen, who hadn't been feeling well. He's in the hen house tonight though, b/c he woke us all up when my LO fell out of bed at 5:30 this morning (an hour and a half before I get up, and I'm the first one up). Anyway, I thought it was really nice of him to sleep with her so that she wasn't cold/alone!
I just adore that he takes good care of the flock!!! He's young too, younger than the hens by a month and they were hatched this March.

I'll let you go. I know I talk too much. Sorry about that.
lol talkin to much. Its ok we can all gab sometimes
Gobble, gobble, gobble

and he wonders why I cant sleep.... *sigh*

I KWYM. My rooster roosted w/ my brood hen on the back porch the other night and when my toddler fell out of bed (he's fine) the rooster had to tell everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!!! lol
I made SURE he was in the hen house WAY out in the back yard last night. ;-)

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