Breeding Project Spring 2014


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
East Coast
Hello to all. I am so excited to announce my plan for spring. Our first chick has passed and the days are getting colder and colder. So I am starting a breeding project with Buff Orphingtons.
Where I live winters are extremely cold and I do not want to risk losing a chick. So this spring I will be getting an incubator so I can hatch eggs. Currently we have a lovely pair, Gold, and Sunny.
Sunny hasn't is almost laying, and Gold's spurs are coming in. Gold is sweet as Sugar unless your a dog. If you pick him up and rock him in your arms he falls asleep. Sunny is shy but warming up, and I can feed both of them out of my hand.
This is a first time effort, and I will be purchasing more Buff's for different genetics.
I can't wait to do a hatch along in March. So guys I hope you join.

R.I.P. Butters (Cancer)
I wish we could have more roosters
We currently have four. Gold and sunny (Buff Orphington) are living in a cage together. Our main roo Pretty Boy (Phoenix) has all the girls. The other two boys are outside living together Cuckoo Maran and Re Cochin Bantam). I wish we had blue chickens. When we went to Smoke Hollow Farms where we got our animals, there was a gorgeous white capped blue polish roo. He was so pretty and he was a bantam, I wanted him soo bad
. She has more silkies coming in and we want to get some sooo excited. Blues, Blacks, Reds. We have two white silkies there so fun. Ok sorry for rambling just wanted to talk about my farm.

I know the hatch ratio of males to females comes out to roughly 50/50. But this ratio is taken as an average over large hatches. In a small hatch you could see the 50/50 ratio, all boys, all girls, or anywhere in between! Also you have to consider that they are not all likely to make it to hatch. So I would figure the number of new hens you'd like to add and get at least 2 or three times that many eggs for hatching. Just be prepared for what to do with any extras that you cannot (or don't want to) keep. That's just my $.02 and what I plan to do for expanding my flock soon.
lol talkin to much. Its ok we can all gab sometimes
Gobble, gobble, gobble

and he wonders why I cant sleep.... *sigh*
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Alright I finally got some picks of my lovely couple Gold and Sunny. They are Buff Orpingtons

Leave any comments on looks or form, thanks


I'm new and I'm certainly no expert, but I think they look GORGEOUS!!!
I have comets, so I'm hoping they got the broody gene (well, maybe two of them; I don't have space for six broody hens [Giant, Banty Cochin, AND 4 Comets.])
I know what you mean. Other than this morning, I've gotten two white Leghorn eggs in the top and each one was all by itself up there. The only thing I can figure out is that someone was in the bottom (my guess is a Comet, b/c the last time I found four Comet eggs in the bottom and no other white eggs) and the Leghorn just couldn't hold it any longer.

Yea sometimes it seems that way. They want so badly to lay where they always do then someone gets in their way and they've gotta jump the rut and do something different. I guess chickens are creatures of habit as well.

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