

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 10, 2014
hi guys.. i have 1 pair of pigeons and they were able to raise thier young..
the young is now 1 month and 10 days and is able to fly already..
it seems they are still very attached to their young
when should i expect new set of eggs?
what should i do to make my pair of pigeon mate again? plzz help me
hi guys.. i have 1 pair of pigeons and they were able to raise their young..
the young is now 1 month and 10 days and is able to fly already..
it seems they are still very attached to their young
when should i expect new set of eggs?
It is getting late in the breeding season with declining daylight hours and cooler temperatures you may have to wait until the February rains.
what should i do to make my pair of pigeon mate again? plzz help me
You could possible introduce supplementary lighting.
I used an old Styrofoam cooler when one pair of pigeons hatched squabs on December 26 (that is uncommon in my loft that late in the year.)
I put the nest bowl in this when they could no longer cover the squabs and keep them warm. I live in Canada (think NORTH POLE.)

take the young out to wean when they want to lay again is when they will you cannt make them mate and lay things that might also cause not to lat weather to hot to cold age of pairs their condiction
Have two nest bowls, one in each back corner of cage. they then lay, two weeks about after those eggs hatch, the female lays in second nest, at that time the female sets eggs mostly and male mainly cares for young. cycle repeats when those eggs have have hatched and young are a couple weeks old. so on and so on, as long as cage is 40" x 40" x 40" and are only keeping one breeding pair/parents with two youngest nests of young. well all my pigeons work that way, except parlors and flying flights that allow and care for older young longer than acceptable by other breeds.

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