Brick Coop


10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
St Helens, UK
Is it a bad idea to build a coop out of brick? I am new to this chicken lark and i have become paranoid about Lice, flees, Red mites or any other creepy crawly that might take a fancy to my girls while their in their coop,
Seeing that timber seems to be the favourite hiding place for all things crawly could i use bricks and mortar? Does anybody have any suggestions
I see absolutely no reason why you couldn't. You're going to have to plan it out well ahead of time, since it's easier to saw through lumber than brick
Make sure you plan in plenty of ventilation.
Brick is not only expensive to use as a structural material, but requires a good bit of know-how and experience to make SAFE walls more than about 2' tall. Also, the rough surfaces could probably harbor pests at least as well as a nice smooth *plywood* coop interior. Also also, brick has high thermal inertia and will get hot by the end of the day and stay hot well into the night, in summer, and be a very cold material in winter.

Thus I would strongly suggest you not try building a brick coop.

What is wrong with a plain old wooden coop, with a plywood interior, like everyone else has?
They WORK. With good animal husbandry you will not have a pest problem -- and with poor animal husbandry you'll have a problem even with a coop built of any other material.

Honest, it is not a big deal. Deep breath

Good luck, have fun,

no, you would however need to clearly annunciate when speaking of your "brick chic house".

really, if i had the skills i would have made mine to match the brick on our house. i love consistancy. it's a little tougher to attach things but if you plan it out you should be fine.
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Does ANYBODY here really count how much it costs?

My property has an old chicken house that has become an established tool shed. It would take FAR MORE WORK to clean it out and change it than to build what will be our All-Summer project!!!
Brick Chick House. Priceless.

I would totally build a brick house if
a: I could come CLOSE to affording it, and
b: I had even an ounce of a clue how to do it

BTW, I don't think that having a brick or a stone house would reduce your chance of creepy crawlies. Good habits will go a lot further, and even then, mites happen.
My grandpa can lay bricks with the best of them, I've personally seen him brick 2 houses and a church, but he NEVER built a brick outbuilding except the well house which matched the people house.

He usually used tin for barns, sheds, and his old quail house.

Unless you have bricks just laying around from another project, I really wouldn't purchase any for a chicken house - because of the price. Wood and tin work just fine.
Well, one good thing about a 'brick chick house' is that big bad wolves can't blow them down

I was thinking along the same lines but was considering using cement blocks, since that is what my barn is made out of. My father built it 50 yrs ago and it is still standing strong.

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