Brinsea Ecoglow 20


7 Years
Feb 27, 2013
It really was worth the money. And it truly does fit 20 chicks. I purchased it 2 days ago online and I received it today. For the last week they have been on a infrared heat light. And for most of the night you could hear some or all of the chicks making some noise all night long. Tonight, they are ALL asleep and not one is making a noise and yes, I did turn on the light in the mud room where they are and wake them up to make sure they were alive.

Love the thing. No more waking up 3 times a night to check on the light because I was worried about a fire.
So glad to hear that! I bought one too because of all the great things I've heard about it and because of my fear of starting a fire with the heat lamp
My chicks arrive this week so i'll finally get to use it!
Wait, starting a fire? I am using a heat lamp and I think it is like 250v, the one from the feed store. I put the chicks in a cardboard box underneath it with cedar chips. You got up all night to check for a fire? Should I be worried about that?!
I just bought my baby chicks tonight and the lady helped me pick out my stuff to start them, she gave me a 250 watt bulb and I am keeping my chicks in my kids bathroom. I am using a 75 watt light recommended by my uncle who raises birds and is a firefighter because the heat light is to hot for indoors. It's more than they need. My chicks are plenty warm not huddled together or going away from the light they seem very comfortable!!
Well, my main concern was that if our family cat decided to hop on top of the brooder and hit the lamp and knock it down onto the floor causing a fire. Though i did not use the clamp. I had it suspended from the ceiling using a chain and a hook that screwed into the ceiling. I am a bit paranoid about fires.
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I just bought 2 of these and got them in the mail today. Hopefully it works as good as everyone says it does.
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Wow! The best chicken money I've spent! I love it and so do the chicks. I bought the ecoglow 50. There are 21 babies under there. They haven't made a peep since I brought them home this afternoon. They are so content....eating the food along the edge, where I left it. My ONLY complaint is that I can't see them unless they come out to eat! I love it!!

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