Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator

Go for the Octagon... I have the Octagon 20ECO and the Mini Advance. Love both. But for 40 dollars I'd go for the Octagon... No way for the chickies to drown in the mini though space way to tight.
Norm in N.Ca

I'm sure you'll have a great experience with your Octagon 20 - it's what I'm using now. Holds the temperature within a +/- .2 degree margin. I need to get another in the next two weeks though, because I ended up with a staggered hatch going on. I like that, in the Octagon 20, the water channels are underneath the tray and there's no way the chicks (or ducklings, in my case) can get into it. The Brinsea Mini makes me uneasy with the water right there in the middle, easily accessible to the hatchlings.

Right now, I'm leaning toward getting another Octagon 20.
I found a frying pan in the cupboard last night that's the same diameter as the Mini, and set two cups inside of it that are about the same height. I realize now that it's not tall enough for there to be enough space for chicks/ducklings to get into the reservoir (except maybe quail). Scott - - would you, by any chance, be able to post some pictures of your Mini with eggs in it, just as a visual example of it's size? I'm still considering getting one of these in the future.

nmantime - Is the fan in the Mini any quieter than in the Octagon? I run the incubators in my bedroom so that I can keep the cats away from them (one of them managed to unplug the 'bator last year), and I'm super-sensitive to noise, and, to me, the fan is pretty noisy - at least it's a constant, droning sound, otherwise I don't know how I'd sleep!

I did decide to go with another Octagon 20 ECO- I really don't need anything that big this year, but it's more versatile (as far as egg capacity) than the Mini - it runs just as well with 3 or 4 eggs in it as it does with 24, and this way I always have that option of having more eggs in it - and I have the option of eventually getting the egg cradle (right now, there's always someone home to turn the incubator, but that could change in the future), whereas the Mini ECO can't be upgraded with a turner.

I was hoping to have my homemade hatcher ready and tested for this batch of eggs, but it's not, and these eggs are way too valuable for me to take any chances.
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Now, that is interesting. The change in design in the turning platen over what they shipping when the incubator first launched. I wonder if the problems I'm suffering with larger eggs might be helped along by that.

I'll write to Brinsea and see what they have to say.
Scott, How in the world did you get 9 duck eggs in there?
I have a mini advance as well, and I see from your photos that you have a turn plate which only holds 7, so somebody must be on a lap..... How are you handleing that situation, turning those two by hand? I haven't tried to put more than 7 in at a time but if it is working for you, I was thinking I might have to reconsider. When the others turn are the extra two eggs allowing them to fully turn or getting in the way?

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