Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator

Here you go.


Key difference that I can see is the dividers between each 'segment'
No, they haven't changed the egg tray. It's still intended for 7 eggs. I have two additional eggs that are hand turned a few times a day. Those sit behind two eggs leaning on the ridge? Does that make sense? Keep in mind, these are call duck eggs... they are smaller than a standard chicken egg. I only raise bantams. I actually bought the 12 egg tray intended for quail/pheasant eggs. It actually held 12 bantam chicken eggs, but they sat so close to one another that they were prevented from turning. The thing is... if the tray were removed, it could actually hold 14 bantam eggs. The eggs would of course have to be turned by hand. I' candled the eggs friday night... all nine are developing.
Yes, there are dividers now. Are you sure you dont have your tray on upside down? That looks like the underside of my tray.
And I should have pointed out... that egg "B1" in that pic - wouldn't turn properly. It was 74g.

I cant' tell without a direct comparison but I wonder if the size and location of the aperture that allows the egg to connect with the base of the incubator hasn't changed as well.
Finally got a snap of the the duck eggs in the Mini Advance. These are much larger than our normal hen eggs (90g instead of 70g) and just wont turn.

The not turning is pretty academic because six days in and I'm not seeing any signs of any development whatsoever. I have excellent visibility on candling and can't see any embryo formation or blood vessels - a real shame as I was rather looking forward to a clutch of ducks!

I'll give them another couple of days before I abandon them but really - I'm not holding out much hope.

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