Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco AND Hova-Bator 1602N Set!** Hatching Pics **



Following this thread closely. Sounds like a tie so far. I built my own incubator and hatcher and used a totally electronic thermostat from Incubator Warehouse. They both work great and keep the temp right on the money
Well All 3 reading today were the same...

I did happen to get some nifty little digital thermometers in the mail today... Designed to be fridge units, but they seem to work.. I have the probes of all three in the bator now, will check the temps of all of them... If they are all out of wack, I'll see how far off they are with a glass of Iced Water (not ice water) and then boiling water.

I have seen these a lot but they were all in celcius. These are in Farenheit I will post pics of them tomorrow.
This is going to be an awesome thread - thanks a bunch for doing this. I too am trying to decide. I thought I had made up my mind and was going to get the Octagon Advance EX. Now I'm having second thoughts. $400 for an incubator is a lot of money and I'm not sure if it's really worth it. Now I'm back to the Eco or the genesis. I am seriously the worst decision maker on the planet!
This morning the Hova was at 102, and the Brinsea was at 99.5 I did a slight adjustment down on the hova.

I will be doing a 5th day candle this evening, though it is just an informative candle. Day 7 will be the first official candle.

The SLW Eggs were always in question due to they were just introduced with a roo, but a test hatch from where I got them was good.
Thanks for the reminder... I did add water this morning to both as they were both empty. So much for my play by play reporting ... and to think I'm in the Television Business lol....


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