Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco AND Hova-Bator 1602N Set!** Hatching Pics **

another report needed when all the eggs are hatched etc. Pleasssssse Gloria Jean
You are quick!!!!
Yes as well as I, but there was one amongst all the egg shells, it was a SLW so it was a smaller egg.. Since we are on day 22 as of right now, I will candle and check. I still have one pipped in the Brinsea, so I won't check the remaining eggs in there until after the pip hatches.
Just yet another update...

The last two eggs in the Hova are quitters... I candled them and one was obivious quitter, so an eggtopsy showed quit about day 15, the second no motion, so did water test no motion, removed a small portion of the egg around the air sac, found a fully formed chick that did not pip but was not alive. It was a SLW.

Now my little secret... THESE WERE SHIPPED EGGS!!!! Not shipped far, but still went through the mail...

So out of 20 viable eggs in the hova, lost two.. so that calculates to a 90 % hatch rate..

The Brinsea still has an pipped egg, so I won't check any of those eggs until after the last hatches, and wait at least 12 hours. If any pips happen during that 12 hour window, It resets to the last chick hatched.

Here is a pic of the current Brood

WOW, now that is a surprise!!!! Me & my Son are gonna set 14EE shipped eggs from KellyG tomorrow. We have about 8 Banty eggs & around 6 EE eggs that came from our stock we're gonna set too. I think he wants to do KellyG's eggs in the Brinsea & our's in the Hova 1602N. We shall see & this has been a wonderful thread, we've followed it since day one.
I went ahead and checked the non pipping eggs in the Brinsea.. Yes.. I know, but I did it in the shower room.. Anyhow.. Candled the 3 non pippers.. one was also a dud, other two didn't even need to check, heard the cheeping when I picked each up.. So.. replaced, and now we wait.

DISCLAIMER... It is not common practice to open, or candle eggs in the mannor in which I just did. Experienced hatchers find their own way to do things, and it works for them.
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