Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco AND Hova-Bator 1602N Set!** Hatching Pics **

Do you mind sharing that code with me?

I'm serious, BTW.
Ok.. Hatching is over.. Over all it was an interesting experience, but a very educational one. Out of the total eggs sent 20 were deamed viable after 5 days in the bator. The non fertile eggs were pulled at day 7. Temp variances were almost non existant in the Brinsea, however in the 1602n variances were noticed when the water level was almost empty. This is due to the design of the wafer thermostat from what I understand. Out of the 20 eggs, we had 4 SLW, 4 BA, and 12 BO X RIR. A total of 2 SLW, 2 BA, and 6 BO X RIR were set in each incubator. Oddly enough, the BO X RIR all hatched first in each incubator, followed by the SLW and the BA came in last place.

In the hova-bator, one of the SLW eggs made it to day 21, but never pipped. I candled and also water tested the egg. No movement was noticed so I carefully removed some of the egg shell around the air sac. I found a fully formed chick, that had absorbed it's yoke sack, however died before pipping. It never made it through the air sac. The second egg, a Black Australorp, stopped around day 15-16. No other reasons could be found..

In the Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco, one of the BA eggs stopped about day 10.

SO totals.. we had 12 BO X RIR hatch, 3 SLW, and 3 BA.

For the bators hatch rate, counting ONLY viable eggs, we had 8 out of 10 hatch in the Hova-Bator 1602n or a 90% hatch rate, and the Brinsea had a 95% hatch rate. I did loose one chick due to an accident. While removing the lid to the Brinsea, it slipped out of my hand and the leading edge of the clear side landed on a living egg. It was a BA. It was viable, and had already pipped into the air sac. Sadly I had fluids everywhere, and the chick shortly expired, but that was due to an accident, and not from the incubation process.

I will have a report completed on the project shortly. But will have pics tomorrow..
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Thank you for reporting the accident with the Brinsea. I will work now to make some type of hand hold/strap to avoid this when I start my Brinsea 20 up! My fingers don't work very smoothly and knowing this could happen in advance, is really appreciated!
Glad that you let us know that they were shipped. Question...did you see some pretty good size air sacs going up one side and the other, or did they develop pretty good at the bottom. I have some live chicks, with some pretty scary looking air sacs going up both sides, and yes, I did let them set over night before I set them in the bator. And, if you did see these kind of air sacs, did any of those hatch? Thanks again for doing this, very interesting..most everything you reported about the Hova was similar to mine, I have the 1588, and have had eggs hatch a day early, but were just fine.
This is a GENIUS idea! This incubator can be a bit cumbersome when lifting as there is really no place to get a good grip. Let me know how you affix the projected handle. I'd like to do that myself!
This is a GENIUS idea! This incubator can be a bit cumbersome when lifting as there is really no place to get a good grip. Let me know how you affix the projected handle. I'd like to do that myself!


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