Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco AND Hova-Bator 1602N Set!** Hatching Pics **

Glad that you let us know that they were shipped. Question...did you see some pretty good size air sacs going up one side and the other, or did they develop pretty good at the bottom. I have some live chicks, with some pretty scary looking air sacs going up both sides, and yes, I did let them set over night before I set them in the bator. And, if you did see these kind of air sacs, did any of those hatch? Thanks again for doing this, very interesting..most everything you reported about the Hova was similar to mine, I have the 1588, and have had eggs hatch a day early, but were just fine.

Never mind, it'll all work out I guess.
I'm Sorry, I didn't see your post..
I'm getting old..

Yes.. I did notice in my Hova that some of the sacs were kinda weird looking, not the well defined air sacs that you are used to seeing. One infact was really deep on two sides, and that egg was a stopper around day 15 or so. I did have a couple of more that were weird, but they hatched out.

Sorry again!
Oh you're fine, I just thought this thread was done..and I missed out.
Bet I'm older.

Anyway, you didn't see as many in the other bator, just the Hova?
If that's the case, I think I will be getting a different bator.
No.. The Brinsea I didn't noticed any weird air sacs, of course it could have been the luck of the

Questions that remain, with answers.

1. Why did the Brinsea take soo much longer to hatch?

Good question.. Only answer is the temps could have been a little off. 1 degree over 18 days makes a GREAT amount of difference. I didn't have my normal thermometer in the Brinsea, it was in the Hova-Bator. It does give me faith in the thermometer because of the last hatch I adjusted my bator for 12 eggs with that thermometer. The more eggs, the more heat absorbed.

2. Hova had 2 stop developing, and the Brinsea only one, does that make it a better incubator.

Not really. Eggs can stop developing for a lot of reasons. One being problems with the bator, but I believe both of these were due to a defect inside of the egg. If it was a bator problem, the hatch rate would be really altered.

3. Did manually turning vs auto turning help the hatch rate.

Same, not really. I made sure all of the eggs were turned 3 times daily in the Brinsea by rotating the entire bator. The hova had an auto turner.. I will be getting an auto turner for the Brinsea.

4. Would you recommend these bators for the hobbiest incubator.

YES!!! The 1602n has it's quirks, as does the Brinsea. The 1602n due to the wafer thermostat, would drift on temps when the water ran out. I didn't mind that because it would remind me to add water, the Brinsea you just didn't know w/o opening the bator. Adding water to both was night and day. The Brinsea you have to pour water into the trays directly. No landing area. There were times when I would over fill it and not know it until it was running out through the bottom vents. Also if you filled it flat, and tilted it to rotate the eggs, if it was over filled, you would know it due to the water running out of the vents. The Hova has a nice landing strip to fill the bator, and since it turnes inside the bator, there is no chance you would over fill it, unless you passed out as you were filling it with a gallon bucket I guess.

IN conclusion: The Brinsea is just down right spot on, however I wish they would make the lifting area on the lid with some type of slip proof material, or at least make it with ridges. I also wished they used a different material to make the viewable areas. They seem to be kinda smokey due to the production process of the bator.

The Hova-Bator 1602n Was wonderful for a still air. It completed the Hatch cycle with a 90 precent rate. I wish they would just completely get rid of the two windows, and go with the see through lid on all their models. Also, some type of on board storage for the vent plugs would be nice.

I would highly recommend both of these bators depending on your hatching needs.
I would highly recommend both of these bators depending on your hatching needs
thanks alot
you are not help me figure out which one is easyer to used ? less care if i got the bigger one that means that can get more chiks but where would i keep those chickens lol. only eat the eggs. or should let the hens hatch the eggs? lol
This is a GENIUS idea! This incubator can be a bit cumbersome when lifting as there is really no place to get a good grip. Let me know how you affix the projected handle. I'd like to do that myself!

Absolutely! I'm thinking industrial Velcro and strapping, so once I test it to see if it can handle the weight, I'll let you know.
Well... It all depends on what you are going to use it for. You don't have to load up the Hova.. I only had 20 eggs in it. But it would hold 42 if you so desired... I look at it this away.. I wouldn't trade my Brinsea, nor my hova. But if I was to order some expensive, lets say, White Sussex eggs, They would go in the Brinsea.
I'm curious . . one of the things you didn't mention was the condition of the chicks at hatch in the 2 incubators. Did both hatches look the same as far as weight, dryness and the ability to get up on their feet? I have eggs going into lockdown today in my Genesis 1588 that have been incubating in my new Octagon 20 Advance EX and I'm really curious to see what the condition of those chicks will be since I have had a lot of varied results with my Genesis.
I hatched 6/9 eggs from a local BYC'er, in my 1588. All the chicks are fine and healthy. One hatched 1 day late, and it had some kind of "Tumer" or something on it's neck, but is fine and dandy now.

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