broad breasted bronze turkeys - can they breed?

You should get 2 of those BB's @ $10 and raise them for Thanksgiving. You won't belive the difference in the turkey you raise compared to what you buy. I did a huge turkey at Thanksgiving 50lbs+ and a month later we did another for Christmas at 70lbs. Best turkey we ever have eaten.
I'll ask if I can order standard bronze through my feed store (someone locally told me I could, so I hope so!)

Just make sure 100% they are not BB Bronzes. They look the same and many don't know the difference. Usally a feed store only sells the BB turkeys. You'll know by the price. Under 8 - 10 dollars heritage 4-6 dollars BB.

Harp, you don't have to get so defensive and argumentative. I was simply stating my experience and knowledge of the broad breasted varieties.

I'm sorry that you think I was being defensive and argumentative. I was just stating what I know about breeding of the BB turkeys and their egg laying compared to a standard/wild turkey.

He could not breed Jenny, our BBB hen because she was too fat. I watched them try to breed.

Yeah you would have to put her on a feed restriction diet or that will happen. My buddy had his on a very restricted diet, basically all that they would get was what they foraged for, very little to no feed and they stayed pretty fit for a BB turkey, of course they waddled instead of walked.
Yes, I would go with a heritage breed. I had 2 BBB hens and a tom and they all died at less than a year old from heart failure even though they had 2 acres to free range on. When they were young the roosted 15' in a tree when they were about 6 months old they couldn't even get on a 1' roost! I think the royal palm breed is pretty as well as the red bourbon.
The palm look nice, but dont make a nice dress bird.

The BB if kelp for breeder must be on a low protien diet, and best to replace breeders every year. Yes they need AI, you may get very few fetile eggs if not.

Best to keep BB tom from the hens. Breeding BB can be done if you get the knowledge, but alot of work. Thousand are bred every year, so yes the hens will lay they just need AI.
There is a girl on fb Ferna corbin in Hamersville ohio she post on Clermont County Trade post yardsale site on fb. She has EVERYTHING you need. That's who I got all mine from this year. If you are 3 days shipping they will make it I had 1 loss in my last shipment of 17 birds. Hope it helps
There is a girl on fb Ferna corbin in Hamersville ohio she post on Clermont County Trade post yardsale site on fb. She has EVERYTHING you need. That's who I got all mine from this year. If you are 3 days shipping they will make it I had 1 loss in my last shipment of 17 birds. Hope it helps

You replied to a post made on March 15, 2009. It does not appear that this poster has been on BYC in many years.

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