Broad Spectrum Antibiotic when you don't know what's wrong

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I've been tube feeding her with the diluted apple cider vinegar and an hour later i give her liquified baby parrot food with a little ground oyster shell for calcium, then an hour later i give her the electrolyte probiotic water. She still falls to the right and needs to be propped but today she stood on both legs without falling for a half minute. I hope as she absorbs some of the nutrients she will improve. Still watery stool, but now it is changing a bit. It was watery with tan granular appearance before, now it is watery and has a small spinach color to it. She seems to be more comfortable and after her boluses of tube feeding seems more content and less restless as she sleeps and builds her strength. Than you for the tube feed recommendation. Now at least i know she is recieving adequate nutrition and fluid. Ill keep you updated. Thank you much for the wisdom and support
Hi Kathy,
an update on lulu. yesterday I thought we turned a corner. She was starting to stand on both feet and walk a little. she still would fall over to the right, but was able to put her wing out and right herself. She was active and clucking and her eyes were clear. I was so pleased. I had been giving her the tube feedings and her crop felt great and was emptying without any problem. The online vet told me to let her eat on her own since she was doing so well. She ate her feed and drank plenty of her water and I was thinking she was on the mend. Boy was I wrong. I am so disappointed that I gave her her feed now. When I was tube feeding her she was improving in leaps and bounds, but today after eating her feed on her own, her crop is boggy and I can't massage it out like I did before. Her head is down and she keeps her eyes closed and rocks her head gently side to side as if she is trying to get relief from her swollen crop. With it not emptying, the feed is most likely souring again and she is getting very ill. I don't know if she will make it. A complete turnaround from yesterday when I was so hopeful. I think there must be a stricture in her crop preventing it from emptying the solids and now I don't know what to do. I am so angry with myself for stopping the tube feedings and going back to letting her eat own her own. I will let you know how it goes.
did just that with the dilute apple cider vinegar of about 15cc because I didn't want to overload her. she seems quiet and calm so I don't think it was too much for her. thank you for being such a great resource. I had such hopes yesterday, but I am afraid that whatever her initial problem was, the irritation or infection may have left a narrowing scarring or stricture from her crop outlet and she may not be able to tolerate solids which would be a big problem as far as practicality. I will monitor her and be sure her crop empties and if it does, I hope to resume the tube feedings since she had done well on that before. If she doesn't show significant improvement with the tube feedings, it might be kinder to let her go, but if she does show improvement, I will continue the tube feedings with hopes she becomes strong enough to try small amounts of soft food to see if the narrowing was just an inflammation related problem versus permanent damage. The on line vet indicated that the neurological problem can resolve if the body heals, but today she has this slight almost slight twitching of her head that concerns me.
The change was just so dramatic overnight after eating the solid feed. She was standing and attempting walking and clucking yesterday and today she can't even get up
I've seen this happen before and sometimes giving them lots of water will help, maybe some B vitamins, too.

Great. There are vitamins in the electrolyte water, i had picked up some vit-sol multivitamin at the pet store, but then saw the same vitamins in the electrolye solution so didn't add them for fear of over giving vitamins. Have you used these bird vitamins?
Great. There are vitamins in the electrolyte water, i had picked up some vit-sol multivitamin at the pet store, but then saw the same vitamins in the electrolye solution so didn't add them for fear of over giving vitamins. Have you used these bird vitamins?
I was thinking of something more like the injectable B's for cattle.


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