Brooder Box Moisture


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2023
Hello all,

My chicks are nearly 3 weeks old now and they’re doing great.

The only problem is they’re constantly spilling their water, this has caused their brooder materials to become moist in the under layer, I’ve been stiring it up and adding new shavings weekly.

The base is a coarse mulch and I’ve been adding aspen shavings to take down to moisture and for new clean materials. I found the mulch is great for absorption as well as keeping the smell and dust down. It also adds a nice firm layer beneath their shavings.

I change their water and food several times a day.

My main concern is the chicks getting any illness, all I keep reading is that moisture is terrible and the chicks will get sick.

If I am changing food and water frequently stiring and adding new bedding, is the moisture a huge concern?

Thanks everyone.
What kind of brooder is this? Inside, outside, overall size...? Is there actually anywhere for the moisture to drain to? Do you notice any odors?

I ask because I brood outside (on deep litter with aspen shavings over top), so moisture wicks away fairly easily. So in that regard, moisture by itself is not an issue, as long as the chicks have surface dry areas to utilize.
It’s inside, dry in the house overall, we leave the windows open and the fan all pretty much all of the time.

It’s a plywood brooding box with an open top 4 x 3. They do have most of their brooder as dry area to utilize.
What kind of brooder is this? Inside, outside, overall size...? Is there actually anywhere for the moisture to drain to? Do you notice any odors?

I ask because I brood outside (on deep litter with aspen shavings over top), so moisture wicks away fairly easily. So in that regard, moisture by itself is not an issue, as long as the chicks have surface dry areas to utilize.

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