Brooder corners


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone,
I read somewhere that you should block off the corners of your brooder to prevent all the chicks crowding into a corner and suffocating. I'm guessing this might be an issue with large scale operations but is it a concern if I only plan to have 4 or 5 chicks? Setting up the brooder now. Originally planned on getting chicks in two weeks but decided I can't wait and will get them next Friday instead!

Thanks in advanced
All my brooders have corners...there have been no issues. I think a lot of times when a chick dies people have a hard time accepting it wasn't meant to live for whatever reason, so they grasp at straws to try and make sure or doesn't happen again the issue is that some chicks don't make it
I started with 26 chicks in a box..then 9 o them got moved to a different box..I also have 4 ducks in one box and 4 ducks in another...healthy chicks won't get squished in the corners are not the killers...some chicks just do not make it no matter how perfect and round everything might be. There aren't reasons or explanations for everything that happens always...some things just are what they are because that is what they are
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