Brooder heat bulb questions


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2016
We have 2 sets of chicks one set is 4 weeks old the other maybe a week at most. They are in different brooders. Can we put a regular light bulb on the first set instead of a heat lamp? We plan to keep a heat lamp on the second set for a few weeks but im wondering what wattage to use on the regular light in the older chicks brooder??
We have 2 sets of chicks one set is 4 weeks old the other maybe a week at most. They are in different brooders. Can we put a regular light bulb on the first set instead of a heat lamp? We plan to keep a heat lamp on the second set for a few weeks but im wondering what wattage to use on the regular light in the older chicks brooder??
What is the ambient temperature in the area the brooder is in - this will factor into how much supplemental warmth, if any, you might need which will dictate the appropriate wattage to provide it. How feathered are the birds -- just baby fuzz on the heads or still fairly fuzzy on parts of the body, etc. How many birds are in the older group and what is the size of the area they are in (will factor into how much warmth they can generate themselves and how much that will dissipate)
Is there a reason you are separating them? I have no problem with it but I just keep mine in together and they do fine that way I only have one bulb, if it gets cold outside(I have them in an insulated garage but no heat) like in the 20s or lower I will plug in another bulb. You can use a regular light in with them but the heat won't be the same.
okay so group 1: 4 four week old chicks temp has been about 80 for the past 2 weeks, we tried lowering it to 78 but they didn't like it so we got it back up, they are very well feathered almost completely with maybe a little fuzz on the head on a little on the top of body they are in a plastic bin that is 18 wide 30 long and 15 deep also the second brooder is also in the same room just different bin so the heat off the heat lamp heats the whole room so its about 78-80 in the room and 90 in the second brooder
the brooders are in our small bathroom with the door shut but the vent is on in there to keep out the odor, about once a day for an hour or so the older ones go outside in their run too which they love
Is there a reason you are separating them? I have no problem with it but I just keep mine in together and they do fine that way I only have one bulb, if it gets cold outside(I have them in an insulated garage but no heat) like in the 20s or lower I will plug in another bulb. You can use a regular light in with them but the heat won't be the same.

well the older ones have had some health issues and I didn't want to place the new babies with them right now, the older ones are on oxytet and corid we started with 7 and have had 3 die so I didn't want our new ones getting sick
that makes sense if I have some sick ones they get separated but once they are healthy again I would put them all in together and not worry about the temp difference mine are ages 2 weeks to 8 weeks and I don't have any pecking issues or anyone getting stepped on or anyone too cold or too hot.

Oh okay that makes it a little easier lol im gonna give it till the end of the week the oldest ones just finished all their meds so well see how it goes. Almost had another one die but luckily was able to save this one!
good I'm glad you were able to save it, there is a little bit of pecking but nothing is every bad just a light tap on the head but they get over it my oldest is a silver laced wyandotte, and that one would peck my little ameraucanas on the head the first day but the next morning I go out and they are under her wing, she's getting started on her mothering early. haha

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