BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

My dang chickens get so much litter in theirs in like 10 minutes they can even see the feed any more. I have to clean it out a million times a day and end up waisting so much feed..........
HI, It seems the headline of this thread isn't bringing in an answer for you.
Perhaps if you start a new topic with a headline about brooder size, you'll probably get an answer right away. I'm finding that everyone here loves to be helpful. :^)

I can't really say because none of my chicks stays in a brooder beyond 3 weeks old. By then, they go out into a grow out coop with heat lamp till they are old enough to be in a coop with adults. By five weeks old, they only get a heat lamp on the coldest nights if it's winter, then by six weeks or so, no heat at all. I guess I'd say that by two weeks old, they are already outgrowing my brooder and flying out of it.

Found this in "Hobby Farms Chickens": 1 week 3 sq inches per chick. 2-3 weeks 6 sq inches. 4-5 weeks 9 sq inches and
6-8 weeks 1 sq foot.
Thank you for that.

I was curious too. Trying to figure out how big a brooder I need for 18 chicks fro about 6 weeks...they arrive beginning of May I figure by the middle/end of June it should be warm enough for them to go into their adult coop.
diannaross77... like your brooder. What is it made out of?
I used to live in Flint, MI so know about where you are. Anywhere near Big Boy???? Used to love to eat there or Little Joes.

The size of your brooder looks about like mine but yours is deeper I think. I just got mine all set up out in the chicken house where I think I want it, put up a tarp around part of it to stop the draft. I get to go and get my 8 babies next Wednesday and am looking forward to bringing them home. Next on the agenda is to make an inexpensive bator.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.

An EX Michigander
Hi Transplant,
I live by 475 Hill Rd exit. Not too far from Big Boy. My brooder is for 2 Serama chicks. Its made from an old rubbermaid tub (maybe 35 gallon) that used to be a cat box. It had a hole in the side, so I just made it bigger with a jigsaw. I covered the hole with a soffet vent cover that I ripped the screen out of. I drilled holes in the vent and the tub and attached it with zip ties. I turned the tub upside-down on a piece of OSB and traced it. Cut out the top and then cut a hole in the top and attached 2 sections of metal modular shelf grid with zip ties. I attached the lid on one side with loose zip ties so it can hinge. The light fixture is from my photography set up. I used medium sized binder clips to hold the light to the grid. Tomorrow I'm going to get a 60 watt bulb (40 isn't enough and 100 is too much for 2 week olds) and a reptile thermostat to regulate it. Our thermostat turns the heat way down at night. Our Lowe's carries a 50 gallon tub for $20. I like the softer more flexible rubber type ones, they are easier to cut. The shiny and/or translucent ones tend to crack when you cut them. I would've used the lid from the tub instead of OSB but it was missing. Hope that helps.
That looks good DianaRoss! I did the same two years ago and it worked just great...this year I'm getting 30 chicks and they would outgrow it faster than I will be ready to move I have a 48X40 inch box lined up that I will use.
Did you know there is a Michigan thread??? Check it out....there is a Chickenstock get together June 25 in Lansing you can sign up for. I haven't been before but it sounds good and I plan on it this year.
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This is my brooder. I am not sure where the box is from but found it in the barn so thought it looked like a good size. Raise my RIR last spring in this and it worked well for the 25. This time I am only getting 8 so know they will all fit in this. Liked your idea of the wire and the ties for hinges diannaross77. I am just using an old screed door that also was just laying around the barn.

I loved the Home Depot on Hill Rd. But Meijers was way better than the stores down her in MO. Miss Meijer's price and food selection. Don't miss the weather though. I used to live over off Atherton and Bristol Rd. Down the Road from McKinley school and the south Flint Plaza AND Halo Burger. Have a great weekend.

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