BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I have decided to Brood my chicks in the's insulated and not that large in the first place so it actually works out perfectly for me. My chicks are due to arrive Jan. 30th so excited!

I've made two brooders out of old console stereos. You have to tear the guts out, replace the old fabric in front with screen, add the linoleum to the floor and attached a heatlamp at one end. They are great and really look like a piece of furniture in the house. I also had some leftover background for behind a fish tank, this what you can see on the back wall, and it's waterproof and easy to wipe down. The cost is less than $30, mainly for the light and linoleum. The top is already hinged, others might slide open. It is time consuming to remove the guts, but it's a good use to an old piece of furniture.

You can always find them free on Craigslist or the Freecycle in your area.

I'm currently working on converting a free baby crib to a brooder.

What a great idea! It is like watching "chick TV". It looks much nice than the plastic tubs I use for the first week or two before I move them to the big brooder in the pole barn.

I've made two brooders out of old console stereos. You have to tear the guts out, replace the old fabric in front with screen, add the linoleum to the floor and attached a heatlamp at one end. They are great and really look like a piece of furniture in the house. I also had some leftover background for behind a fish tank, this what you can see on the back wall, and it's waterproof and easy to wipe down. The cost is less than $30, mainly for the light and linoleum. The top is already hinged, others might slide open. It is time consuming to remove the guts, but it's a good use to an old piece of furniture.

You can always find them free on Craigslist or the Freecycle in your area.

I'm currently working on converting a free baby crib to a brooder.

I used our back bathroom's tub that we never use. Lined with plastic and pine shavings for bedding. I put a screen from a window over the top. I used the shower curtain rod to hang and clamp my light to. This spring I may do it this way again or figure a way to do it in the coop and find a portable nesting box for the older gals....they sleep on the roost in the short run at nights anyways!
thank you for this! we are going to start w/ your design this spring for our 1st chicks- so excited and thank you again!
Here is ours. I found the "plan" for it in one of my chicken books. Chicks should be here tomorrow. :) I am covering the pine with brown paper bags for the first day or so. I have newspaper under the shavings to help with changing it. I actually have all the flaps up right now to make it taller and block out more of the drafts. The wall heater behind it is not going to be about fire hazard, we never use those things...just part of having an old house. I will add some branches after a week or so. I am going to get some screen over it too so we don't have escapees.

But anyway, it is two Uhaul boxes opened up and put together...we are only getting eight babies, so I think this will be more than enough room.


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