BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

kleeo12: I either use hay or shavings most of the time. Never have much problems with smell issues. It also depends alot on the number of chicks you are brooding.

magic21696: I have bought all my feeders & Waterers from either TSC or Gebo's.
I have approx. 300 chicks that I have in a 10-14 brooder room down at my barn.
I have a 6' water trough, lots of plastic tubs from Wally world and I use the nylon feed bags I get from my feed mill on the floor of the brooders. I change them almost every day and wash them off with the hose and let them air dry or replace with new ones. They do not slide on them and I put dirt clods in with them as they get up around 2 weeks old so they have more to play with.

I use feeders that are for chicks and also some homemade devices like butter tubs with half the lid cut off. Or small containers from my brother's frozen microwave foods that he throws out. But they often scratch that food out by 1 to 2 weeks old. I have a cap from an old 3" PVC pipe I also use. I am chicken poor so I use what I can.

There may be a few photos on my website.
I do not put covers on my tubs of chicks. When they start hopping out and running around the floor I know it is time for them to move to the floor brooder or outside to a growing pen. I raise chicks year around and so far this method has worked great for me.
I am expecting my first batch from a hatchery this week and have set up a playpen brooder. The last time I raised chicks was 2 Cornish crosses and I used a Tupperware bin for them until they could jump out. Then they moved to the lizard cage. Hoping my new batch can stay in this playpen setup for as long as possible because I will have to split them up if this won't work until they can move to the coop. I will probably use the lizard cage again if I have to split them up, but it's been outside for a while and I"m not looking forward to it coming back into the house!


I have to make it cat proof because we have one that thinks he is a vicious tiger.
Hi All

Guess I might as well show you what I have done...

I originally thought that the 3x4 foot whelping box I built and used for a litter of pups would be good enough for chicks so I made a lid. I then put in a hardwire cloth opening for venting and or the light. I also put hinges and handles on it.


I had a scrap piece of vinyl so I put in on the floor and used some left over trim I had to hold it down!


I quickly realized that the chicks would out grow this in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks so I got busy building a bigger brooder and holding pen.

Here it is before I painted the outside of it!

Brooder part... Painted it's 2x2x8 foot.


Has two doors. hardwire vents, handles and vinyl floor.

There are a few things left to do on the brooder/grow out pen. 4x4x8 like install lights, vinyl floor, perch, handle, sliding bolt lock, door/opening to brooder and decorate etc... but I have all winter to finish it up.


This will be in my garage but I still built stands for these to sit on to get them off the floor!


Hope you all like the pictures!

I still have to wait until March for my chicks so until they arrive I will be working on the coop...


I'm converting this old building on my property into the main coop! It's 22x14. needs some work but I'm sure will meet all the requirements for
4 or 5 dozen birds!
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I'm seeing a nice little studio or even a guest house there!

Chickens will love it, I'm sure.
I posted back on page 131

I just wanted to update since I'm now using this for the first time for my coturnix quail babies. This is working GREAT so far. Because the babies are tiny still, I don't need the lid yet. I have this sitting up on a coffee table in my basement, lined with shelf liner. It's under a steel support beam, so their light is tied to the beam above them, where it's easy to raise/lower. It is a nice fit for my 9 babies. It would work for a dozen or fifteen, which is the upper limit that I'd have at once.

I figure this will work until they are two or three weeks old, at which time I'll probably move half of them over to larger quarters.
I'm seeing a nice little studio or even a guest house there!

Chickens will love it, I'm sure.

first that is great home yes made guest house for the chicken are guest !!!!!

some idea
i would start out with about 1 dozen chicks first. in month u would want to add more chicks that what u want
you have a big enough coop i would make a separate area for hen to sit on eggs with a little pen so the babies chick could move around away from bigger chickens n hens n roos.
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