Broodies hatching,, check the pics on pg 4 of baby duckies

Here's a funny...

My last two broodies were named Nancy and Bob (don't ask
). They were sitting on eggs at the same time but Nancy hatched first, by about a week or more. Bob's clutch didn't hatch. I would often go in the pen to check out things, feed, water, etc. and find little heads peeping out of Bob's feathers and get all hopeful....only to find they were Nancy's three little ones.

When I finally let them outside to join the flock and let Bob go on her way, they decided to raise the chicks jointly....sort of heterosexual lifemates, so to speak.

Then they slowly grew apart and Nancy left Bob~with all the children!

Bob raised them as her own until they no longer needed her and now, like teenagers from a broken home, they wander aimlessly around the yard, sleep and poop in my nests and just make a general nuisance of themselves.

Chicks from confused parents and a broken nest.....just another statistic in today's barnyard.

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Well you ought to see the confused children of Midnight the duck, her chicks think they are ducks and one tried to go swimming, I almost lost it day before yesterday, we were worried about that in the other post. Now I have Babette the duck who is afraid of the ducks because she thinks she's a chicken, she's over a year old! Then we have Peeps the duckling with Cheeps the chick and the 4 chicks Midnight hatched with the one duckling still here. When it was raining earlier all the chickens were hiding from the rain except Cheeps, and the four nameless ones from Midnight, they were in the middle of the yard in a downpour until I ran out there like a fruit cake grabbing chicks and getting attacked by their duck families!
Well too late to stop, one of the ducks started hatching today, the Mallard hen in the larger travel kennel has 2 hatched and 2 pipped out of 10 eggs so far.
You can tell by the picture,, she does not appreciate her children being bothered by the paparrazi!
She noticed me:

Then she got angry:
Six baby ducks this morning. I was worried about 2 of my ladies last night it rained all night long. It looks like they managed ok and I think they kept their nests dry.
Let's see momma duck hatched 9 out of 10 eggs I'll pics up today.
This morning,,, Big Sissie is hatching in the water trough nest, she has 2 so far, pics later.
Only two of Sissies hatched, the others weren't hers, they were too small I think a new little girl layed her eggs in the nest.

BUT!!! Hershey, momma Runner, has started hatching and has 2 out. That leaves 4 other broodies to get busy.

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