Broodiness? and squeeking


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Walterboro, SC
I have a Buff Orphington that has been sitting in the nesting box constantly for about a week now I dont think she is laying, and she acts broody, but she is not sitting on eggs. Will they go broody even if they aren't sitting on eggs?

I also heard one of my other hens "squeaking" like a squeak toy for dogs while appearing to sneeze. What could this be?
Yes, they will go broody without eggs to set upon. Sometimes when they sneeze, they do make that squeaky sound - unless it is frequent it is of no concern.
Your hen is normal. My silkies brood on nothing for months at a time. I just keep taking her off until she's not broody.

As for the squeaking, I don't know.

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