Broody button cage cleaning


In the Brooder
Oct 27, 2015
I was all set to change the bedding in my buttons cage, but she's gone broody. She seems serious about it too. My catahoula was visiting as he often does with the quial, she got off the nest but only went a few inches then twittering menicingly, got right back on. I covered the exposed side of her cage cause we are expecting storms tomorrow. I figured she would not go back to her nest after that. But less than 5 minutes later she reclaimed her turf and resumed her duties.

My question is how many days should I let her sit, before I clean the cage? I won't mess with the nest, but I really don't want the cage to go with out cleaning for 3 more weeks.
Well.. Personally, I wouldn't dare clean anything within ~2 ft of a broody button - and if she seemed bothered, I wouldn't even do that. But it might not be a problem, I don't know. Basically - if you'd wish you hadn't done it if she ends up abandoning the nest, then you probably shouldn't do it. But if the cage would get so seriously nasty in another 16+ days, that missing a chance of button chicks is better, then so be it. Perhaps you can just add a bit of extra litter on top of the dirty litter, without getting too close to the nest? Or, if the cleaning can be done very quickly, perhaps clean the area near her nest when she's left it to feed, to avoid stressing her.
I also have a button hen that I think has just become broody and I certainly don't intend to clean her cage before she has chicks, but she lives in my room so it's relatively warm and their poop dries quickly so it doesn't really become 'nasty' in there even if I don't clean it for a long time.
I am going to take your advice and just put clean bedding over the old. I never let my button bedding get too bad so this is gonna drive me a little nuts. I don't raise buttons, but I hate to get in the way of a broody hen. Lol especially one that feels brave enough to chew out a 120lb. Dog. Of course he's a pushover. The sugar gliders and especially the pug boss him around. Our storms rolled though today. The wind was whipping the tarp and pounding rain. Even had some thunder. She's still sticking to her nest though. I'm impressed. Her poor mate looks lonely sitting all by himself. But she has made it clear she doesn't want his help either.

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